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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Dangerous wind turbine close to M4

Windfarms Posted on Fri, December 26, 2014 08:33:28

Email sent – 02 December 2014 09:29

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Further to my email yesterday, sent whilst travelling on National Express Coach to London, I observed a large construction site in the Heart of London with 8 Tower Cranes in Buckingham Palace Road, 4 of which were not displaying any aviation lights as required by law.

In light of the tragic incident last year (not accident) in which a helicopter crashed into an unprotected Tower Crane at St George Wharf, I would have envisaged the HSE and Local Authorities would have tightened up on such matters. Obviously not.

No doubt the HSE are still working on that incident!

I also have grave concerns for a new wind turbine recently installed within a stone’s throw of the M4 at the Basingstoke/Reading Junction and practically sitting on top of an office block.

In the event the blades of this wind turbine are detached in a storm, as is most common nationwide, the offices or the M4 could have wind turbine blade where it shouldn’t be.

Can you imagine the carnage if that blade falls onto the M4 at peak period?

I would be most grateful if you would write to the appropriate oversight authorities on these two issues please – Minister of Transport for the WT debacle and the Mayor of London for the tower crane debacle.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

‘Elf and Safety gone mad, but no concern for real dangers

Windfarms Posted on Fri, December 26, 2014 08:17:11

Email sent –

09 December 2014 07:28

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Please see the following article ref the Health and Safety Executive banning traditional british games for school children in the UK, ie Conkers, British Bulldog and Leapfrog. My question to my MP is, has the HSE gone mad?

It is OK to install a wind turbine in a school’s playground but not OK for the kids to play tried and tested playground games.

I appreciate you are currently awaiting a response from the HSE ref the two collapsed WTs in the South West last year, but I would ask my MP to bring this matter to the appropriate Minister for the HSE.

Tell me Mr Bradshaw, would you allow your children to attend a school, which had a WT in the Playground?

I suppose they could tie the naughty kids to the blades and let them spin for a couple of hours? Personally, I would like to tie the HSE CEO and leave her there for a couple of days.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Yet more dangerous wind turbine collapses

Windfarms Posted on Mon, December 22, 2014 18:12:57

Now, wind turbine welding failures

Windfarms Posted on Mon, December 22, 2014 17:58:28

Email sent – 21 December 2014 22:08

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Yet another wind turbine failure, not bolt failure this time but welding failures.
It’s only a matter of time before body bags are required relating to wind turbine failures. Once again, I call upon my MP to request a public inquiry into wind turbine safety

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield

What does Bradshaw do to earn his salary?

Windfarms Posted on Fri, December 05, 2014 17:08:00

Dear Mr Bradshaw

It is now two weeks since I sent you the 2 “PROTECTED” reports ref the
collapsed Wind Turbines (WT) in the West Country from Health and Safety Executive.
My questions to you now are:-

1. Did you read the reports? If not why not?

2. If you did read the reports you should now be in a position to share my
concerns for public safety ref Wind Turbines in Devon and nationwide.

3. What are you going to do about it?.

I suggest and recommend you call for a public inquiry into the general safety of the wind turbine industry and, in particular, the design,
construction, installation and operation of WT nationwide.

It beggars belief these WT are being installed in school playgrounds nationwide. Such actions are not only in breach of HSE guidelines for WT safety, but I see another Aberfan disaster coming down the track, clickity clack.

It beggars belief WT are being installed in school playgrounds and adjacent
to major motorways.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

What will Bradshaw do about these important reports?

Windfarms Posted on Mon, December 01, 2014 16:55:41

Email sent – 01 December 2014 07:28

Dear Mr Bradshaw

I must assume you have now read the 2 Health and Safety Executive reports ref the subject title and I would like to know what you intend to do now.

As you can see from the 2 HSE reports, the situation ref public safety is far from satisfactory and I would hope that my MP has written to the relevant oversight authorities on this matter.
Wiith thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Well, would he?

Windfarms Posted on Fri, October 10, 2014 17:49:06

Email sent – 10 October 2014 11:24

Would you, Mr Bradshaw MP, by virtue of your non-responses, be prepared to accept full liability should there be any unfortunate incident consequent upon your inactions despite having been informed, and would you be prepared to attend with myself in a filmed interview for the local TV/media?

For your information action and files

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Accident statistics

Windfarms Posted on Fri, September 05, 2014 17:28:22

Email sent – 04 September 2014 06:08

Dear Mr Bradshaw

These wind turbine accident statistics make very disconcerting reading, which is compounded further by the secret service attitude of the HSE. I believe the HSE is failing in its duty of care in relation to investigating wind turbine accidents and reporting them into the public domain. By the way, have you read the two HSE reports on the two collapsed WT in the SW? If not, why not?

As you are aware, the HSE has placed a lifetime email ban against me for reporting H&S issues.

Would you be so kind as to submit a FOIA request to the HSE asking how much it cost the HSE to investigate the two crippled WT in the SW and the cost of the two reports?

For your information action and files.

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

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