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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Yet further illegal action by the Information Commissioner

Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, July 29, 2018 08:18:24

Email sent – Thu 26/07/2018 20:17

Karla Bailey Lead Case Officer


now wish to elevate my complaint to the next level of the ICO complaints
procedure, as I fervently believe the ICO have breached my Information rights by
refusing my Subject Access Request ( SAR) on grounds my request is Manifestly

person applying a right and proper mind could refuse my SAR under such

you are aware, the ICO has consistently refused my FOI requests under section
14/1 vexatious exemption and now for the first time my SAR has been refused. It is consistently obvious to me that ICO senior managers including Elizabeth Denham
are acting in concert to harass me. At best, your refusal decision is a
Wednesbury Principled decision, and at worst, a decision to pervert the course
of justice. I suggest the latter.

the event I have not received a response to this letter within 14 days, I
intend to pursue a private prosecution commencing at Chester Magistrate
Court under protection of The Fraud Act 2006 and the Data Act 98


M Dransfield

More dodgy goings on from the ICO

Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, May 13, 2018 08:03:02

Email sent – Sat 12/05/2018 20:39

Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham

Dear Madam

As you are aware, the ICO have instructed court bailiffs to
recover nearly £4000 legal costs in connection with The Court of Appeal Case
C3/1855/ 15th May, Dransfield v ICO.

Are you not aware that a public authority cannot use taxpayers money to seek legal redress?

Therefore, please advise your bailiffs to cease and
desist harassing me for such legal costs.

I will take this opportunity in submitting a FOIA request to
the ICO for all cases in which the ICO have pursued legal costs against any
FOIA complainant/requester since Jan 2013.

with thanks

Yours sincerelylan Dransfield

Vexatious to ask about too lenient sentences

Information Commissioner Posted on Fri, April 06, 2018 18:34:00

Cambridge Analytica

Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, March 25, 2018 08:27:27

Email sent – Sat 24/03/2018 22:58

Elizabeth Denham


Dear Madam

Under protection of the FOIA please provide me with the
following information ref the subject title.

1.A copy of the ICO application for the warrant.

2.A copy of the Warrant to search CA.

3.A copy of the Method Statement for the raid

4.A copy of the Risk Assessment for the raid.

5.A copy of the invoice for the combat ICO jackets.

6.A full list of all items confiscated.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Anglian Water

Information Commissioner Posted on Fri, March 02, 2018 18:17:20

Email sent – Fri 02/03/2018 08:52

Ms Elizabeth Denham

Information Commissioner

Dear Madam

Please see the following statement from the Anglian Water
Authority, who claims they have no liability for the FOIA 2000.

Such statements are, at best, misinformation and at worst published to circumvent the FOIA 2000. It beggars belief the Anglian Water
Authority would publish this statement on their website. To my
knowledge all the other water companies are in full compliance with the FOIA
2000. I expect the ICO to issue a heavy fine against the Anglian Water
Authority for their willful breach of Section 77 of the said act. Quite frankly,
I think the conduct of their CEO Peter Simpson is reprehensible.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Scottish Information Commissioner up to the job

Information Commissioner Posted on Thu, March 23, 2017 05:37:50

Email sent – 21/03/2017

Dear Ms Denham, Information Commissioner

Please see the following article from the Scottish Information Commissioner’s Office who,
it would appear, has her finger on the pulse and is holding Scottish
ministers to account. That cannot be said about the English Information
Commissioner, who appears to have a very cosy little relationship with MPs
and Judges and rogue public authorities

I would imagine something
similar to this will land on your desk sooner rather than later. I do hope you
don’t think this letter is too vexatious or mainfestly unreasonable.


Alan M Dransfield

FOIA Convention

Information Commissioner Posted on Thu, March 09, 2017 18:40:37

Email sent – 09/03/2017 17:35

Dear Mr Bailey, ICO Solicitor

Please advise me how many
people from the UK ICO attended this convention. According to these press
releases, the FOIA needs strengthening across Europe. I don’t subscribe to this
argument; there is nothing wrong with the UK FOIA only the people who are
running it, who are dishonest and willfully blind.

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield

Ridiculous staffing levels at the Information Commissioner’s Office?

Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, January 29, 2017 07:57:45

Email sent – Sun 29/01/2017 07:03

Ben Bradshaw MP for Exeter.

Dear Sir

According to the ICO published records for their Decision Notices
(DN) the ICO has completed only 34 DN this month and 35 for last month.

I do not accept such totals warrant the huge staffing Levels
at the ICO.

Moreover and more importantly, their total DN numbers have
had huge discrepancies for the last two weeks.

I call upon my MP to write to the Minister of Culture and
Sport and the Lord Chief Justice protesting on my behalf about the
ICO workload. The average total of Decision Notices for last year was 100 per
month. What is also very alarming is the ICO has no idea how much each individual case costs the public purse.

I believe every FOIA case which
passes through the ICO should be given a cost centre control ref number and
then the ICO would be able to identify total costs of individual cases.

I am also alarmed to learn the
ICO does not operate either ISO 9000 series QA/QC or ISO 1400
Environmental. It would appear the ICO is allocated a lump sum each year
say £15 million pounds to run their organization and there is no fiscal accountability
or ring-fence. The ICO has no QA/QC controls and for the last decade the
ICO officials have been able to claim expenses without receipts. They are
also still non- compliant to the Register of Interest laws.

I am of the opinion the ICO is in need of a good shakedown to improve quality of service
for the general public.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

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