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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Eh up! What’s going on ‘ere, then?

Vexatious Posted on Thu, January 19, 2017 19:09:02

Email sent – Thu 19/01/2017 18:26

Information Commissioner Ms
Elizabeth Denham

Dear Madam

Please see you very latest
vexatious decsion from your website. This particular decision notice is
unlawful because you have not relied upon the Dransfield Vexatious Court Precedence
as per GIA/3037/2011. Does this mean you have now realised the Dranfield
Vexatious Decision is also unlawful and thus, you cannot use it as a
Court Precedence? There must be a reason for not relying upon the Dransfield
Case Authority after three years continuous use and over 6000 vexatious
cases. Please provide me with a full explanation why you have not relied upon

I also consider this
decision is yet further evidence the ICO is in Contempt of the ECoHR via the
Magyar Helsinki Bizottsag Case.

For your information action and

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

What is going on?

Vexatious Posted on Sun, January 15, 2017 17:01:40

Email sent – Sun 15/01/2017 15:26

Dear Mr Bradshaw MP

Please see the original FOIA decision from the
FTT and in particular para 6 which clearly states Mr George
Galloway’s ” Mariam Charity” was not even registered, but
the ICO found against Mr Kennedy and the UK Government has spent a couple
of million pounds since and still rising.

And where were the Shadow
Government all this time?

Another clear example of negligence by the ********** Christopher Graham

Yours in disgust


11KBW Lawyers

Vexatious Posted on Sun, January 15, 2017 09:21:41

Email sent – Fri 13/01/2017 13:36

Dear Ben Bradshaw MP

Dear Mr Bradshaw

I wonder if anybody in the Labour Shadow Government
has noticed that KBW seem to get all the Government and ICO legal works. Don’t
you find that just a tad suspicious and possibly conflict of interest? In my
view, it is also a breach of EU and UK trade laws ref tendering
requirements etc.

Can you please give your
Shadow Govt guys a nudge on this matter please?

We have two huge cases before
the ECHR, first the Magyar Helsinki Bizottsag case (decided), which the Tory thugs attempted to scupper and any moment now we have the Kennedy v UK coming
before the ECHR, and it would appear that the UK Government is pumping
thousands of pounds on this case also. Would this money be better used on the
NHS for example?

I fervently believe the UK Government’s motives on both cases are politically driven and to prevent the UK general public from
reasonable protection of their human and civil rights. In layman’s
language the Tory bullyboys are screwing the general public again, and the lazy shadow government is snoozing.

In essence, the Tory Party is protecting George Gallaway on
this Kennedy V UK Court case. What’s that all about?. He must be laughing all
the way to the bank.

Millions of pounds are being spent by the Tory Party on political whims, ie
both the Magyar and Kennedy Case are benign, straightforward and in the general public interests. To compound matters further, we have a shadow government who, at best, are sleeping on the job or, at worst, sleeping in the
same bed as the … Tory Party, who, are hell-bent on removing the
Human Rights and Civil Rights Protection laws for the UK Citizens.

Look forward to your response.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

FOIA Campaigner and Social Watchdog

11KBW lawyers and Government work

Vexatious Posted on Sun, January 15, 2017 07:35:42

Email sent – Sat 14/01/2017 20:17

UK Treasury

Dear Sirs

Kennedy v UK Government FOIA. Case ref (2011) EWCA 367

Under protection of the FOIA 2000 please provide me with the
following information ref the subject title;

1. The cost to the public purse to date.

2. Copies of the invoices from KBW.

3. Copies of emails, meeting agendas between the
Treasury and any 3rd party to discuss this case. Plus copies of Directives from
Government ministers.

4. Copies of invoices to date for the preparation
works for the ECoHR . For clarity, I understand the Kennedy Case is
ongoing at the ECoHR . Hence, you are at liberty to withhold this
information but I consider the case up to the Supreme Court has run
its natural course; therefore it open for Publication via the FOIA 2000.

5. All costs to include accommodation, food etc.

Would you also please consider
the same FOIA requests for the Magyar Helsinki Bizottsag Case ref

All information please is requested to be in PDF.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

FOIA Campaigner -Social Watchdog.

Questions about Jimmy Savile’s sex abuse of children deemed “vexatious”.

Vexatious Posted on Thu, January 12, 2017 17:50:30

Email sent – Thu 12/01/2017 08:19

Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss.
Lord Chief Chancellor

Please see the two URL links
below. The first letter is from Surrey Police to an unknown 3rd Party whom the
Surrey Police refused the Jimmy Saville tapes based on the
Dransfield Vexatious Decision GIA/3037/2011 Dransfield v IC.

The second URL is the ICO
Decision which upholds the Surrey Police Vexatious Decision and, in particular, I draw your attention to para 12/13 in which the ICO has relied upon the
Dransfield Vexatious Case.

In essence, both the Surrey
Police and the ICO claim that child sex abuse is not (repeat not) in the public interest and not (repeat not) a serious purpose subject.

No person applying a right and
proper mind could make such a statement because it is a well documented fact that Jimmy Savile committed heinous crimes on countless children and
young people over three decades.

Therefore, it must be assumed
that both the ICO and Surrey Police are part of a wider conspiracy to pervert
the course of Justice by consistently circumventing the FOIA -2000 and in
particular the wilful breach of section 77 of the said act, which, as I am
sure you are aware, is a prisonable offence.

It beggars belief that the UK
Information Commissioner can uphold a Vexatious Exemption from one of HM Police
Authorities (Surrey Police) regarding the evil Jimmy Savile and quite frankly I
am disgusted to find my name in the same paragraph as this monster.f Human Rights via Magyar Helsinki Bizottsag case ref 18003/11 dated 6th Nov

….It is very disconcerting that we have a Lord Chief
Chancellor, whois devoid of any legal experience or qualifications
whatsoever, who also appears to be devoid of any moral compass. Madam Lord
Chancellor, you are well overdue for a wake up call because these serious crimes
are happening under your watch and the buck stops at your desk.

It is my duty of a law abiding citizen, FOIA Campaigner and Social Watchdog to alert you about such matters.

This letter is not intended to be either vexatious or scurrilous, it is
written in the interest of Common Law and EU Law.

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

FOIA Campaigner & Social Watchdog

Judges, eh. Dontchya just luv ’em?

Vexatious Posted on Sun, January 08, 2017 18:22:13

Thomas Andrew Cross

Vexatious Posted on Sun, September 18, 2016 01:47:53’-register/?ProfileID=1679ac8271bc65659e95a2e13c0b73ef

Something iffy going on

Vexatious Posted on Sun, September 18, 2016 01:21:43

Email sent – Tue 13/09/2016 06:51

Information Commissioners Office

Attn Ms Elizabeth Denham IC

Dear Madam

I would like to offer further
tangible evidence why the Dransfield Vexatious decision is unlawful.

Please see the
Whatdotheyknow FOIA History, where another member of the public has made
a very similarly worded FOIA request for exactly the same sought after data
as my FOIA request, i.e the As Built Health and Safety Files for the Sandy Park
Rugby Bridge.

Initially, this requester was accused of acting in concert
with me but then his request was fulfilled.

This request was only a few weeks after Judge Wikeley
Vexatious decision.

Therefore, the Devon County Council were indeed very wrong
to rely upon section 14/1 vexatious exemption then release it in full a couple
of weeks later.

You must also be mindful that it was the ICO not the Devon
CC who appealed the FTT non-vexatious decision.

Oh what a web we weave when we
set out to deceive Miss Denham.

I wish to go on record
that your consistent failures to either respond or acknowledge my
correspondence on this issue must be classed as dumb insolence.

For your information, action and

With thank

Yours sincerely

Alan Dransfield

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