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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Questions about Jimmy Savile’s sex abuse of children deemed “vexatious”.

Vexatious Posted on Thu, January 12, 2017 17:50:30

Email sent – Thu 12/01/2017 08:19

Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss.
Lord Chief Chancellor

Please see the two URL links
below. The first letter is from Surrey Police to an unknown 3rd Party whom the
Surrey Police refused the Jimmy Saville tapes based on the
Dransfield Vexatious Decision GIA/3037/2011 Dransfield v IC.

The second URL is the ICO
Decision which upholds the Surrey Police Vexatious Decision and, in particular, I draw your attention to para 12/13 in which the ICO has relied upon the
Dransfield Vexatious Case.

In essence, both the Surrey
Police and the ICO claim that child sex abuse is not (repeat not) in the public interest and not (repeat not) a serious purpose subject.

No person applying a right and
proper mind could make such a statement because it is a well documented fact that Jimmy Savile committed heinous crimes on countless children and
young people over three decades.

Therefore, it must be assumed
that both the ICO and Surrey Police are part of a wider conspiracy to pervert
the course of Justice by consistently circumventing the FOIA -2000 and in
particular the wilful breach of section 77 of the said act, which, as I am
sure you are aware, is a prisonable offence.

It beggars belief that the UK
Information Commissioner can uphold a Vexatious Exemption from one of HM Police
Authorities (Surrey Police) regarding the evil Jimmy Savile and quite frankly I
am disgusted to find my name in the same paragraph as this monster.f Human Rights via Magyar Helsinki Bizottsag case ref 18003/11 dated 6th Nov

….It is very disconcerting that we have a Lord Chief
Chancellor, whois devoid of any legal experience or qualifications
whatsoever, who also appears to be devoid of any moral compass. Madam Lord
Chancellor, you are well overdue for a wake up call because these serious crimes
are happening under your watch and the buck stops at your desk.

It is my duty of a law abiding citizen, FOIA Campaigner and Social Watchdog to alert you about such matters.

This letter is not intended to be either vexatious or scurrilous, it is
written in the interest of Common Law and EU Law.

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

FOIA Campaigner & Social Watchdog

Yet another request to Ben Bradshaw MP (ignored)

Chad/Cameroon Pipeline Posted on Thu, January 12, 2017 17:44:46

Email sent – Tue 10/01/2017 23:09

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Please see the following regulations from the
International Maritime Organization and it is clear that the Chad/Cameroon
Pipeline Offshore floating storage tanker is obsolete but still in service.

The offshore floating storage tanker, the Komi Kribi 1, is a Category One(1) Single – hull tanker,
therefore became obsolete on its 30th birthday. This tanker was built in
1977; hence past its sell by date.

This is a serious breach of International Maritime
Organization regulations (see attached). Hence, I call upon my MP to write to
the DFID and World Bank calling for this tanker to be replaced with a double hull tanker in line with IMO regulations.

Maybe Boris Johnston could have a word with Rex
Tillerson about this serious safety and environmental

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield