Fri 03/01/2020 22:29


Dear Sir

I am deeply concerned that you intend to conclude the Coroner’s Inquiry on the subject title next Monday 6th Jan. You may or you may not be aware that I have an open complaint of egregious conduct and maladministration by Mr Paul Crowther  the British Transport Police (BTP) Chief Constable. There is demonstrable evidence that the BTP have failed to follow their own Policy and Procedures eg witness statements not signed, earliest witness statement two week post death.

Mr Ian Henderson (IH) Officer in Charger (OIC) has adopted a cavalier attitude to an open and shut case of suicide. I was friend of RAB and I do not believe that he committed suicide and the BTC advised me at the offset, I was an interested party and I would be kept updated. I have received no update and as far as I am concerned my claim of egregious conduct and maladministration stands. There appears to be a myriad of  irregularities and anomalies with the BTP case management i.e., imposter as next of kin, removal of RAB’s life savings from the Bank 24 hrs after RAB’s death, the Genuine NOK Zelda Davies was rejected.  Text Messages from RAB’s Phone 10 mins before his death whilst his phone was known to be in RAB’s house. I have been following this case closely and it would appear to me the BTP are akin to the Pink Panther or Carry on up the Copper. Some 5 months post death and not a pip squeak from the BTP. I was planning to write to you post Coroners Decision. An integral part of the Coroners decision is to learn lessons to avoid suicides, and I would expect the coroner to condemn the Cheshire &Chester Council (CWCC)whose actions and inactions have driven RAB to his death, if indeed it was a suicide, because in essence the egress conduct and maladministration by the harassment and false witness  claiming RAB had submitted thousands of abusive  emails to CWCC officials, which couldn’t be further from the truth. The ICO instructed the CWCC to release personal data at the beginning of July 2019 but instead of releasing RAB personal data they commenced a High Court Custodial sentence of RAB. They knew or should have known this was in contempt of Court. I state categorically  that if CWCC had obeyed the ICO order to release RAB’s personal data he would be alive today. This is something that I hope you can share with your fellow coroners nationwide as a lesson learned. 

With thanks

Yours sincerely 

Alan M Dransfield

FOIA Campaigner and Social Watchdog