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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Everybody knew and now they say they didn’t

PFI Schools Posted on Mon, October 28, 2013 19:22:43

Saturday, October 26, 2013 4:29 PM

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Cast your mind back to Fri 8th June 2007 when you attended a meeting with ALL the main oversight management, DCC and school heads in Exeter to try and resolve the H&S issues at the 6 PFI schools and in particular the heating and ventilation problems item.

Page 2 of the minutes. See also 2nd para page 3 under comments from GF ref Building ” overheating”. From the last para on page 3 there were another 39 PFI schools which had similar problems. See also page 2 item 5 on the defects which also raises poor air quality. In a nutshell the meeting minutes date June 2007 clearly indicate all parties were aware of the H&S issues which were never addressed after the meeting.

I would argue the meeting minutes date June 07 are prima facie grounds of wilful blindness by ALL parties.

For you information, action and files

Alan M Dransfield

Will Mr Bradshaw act?

PFI Schools Posted on Sun, October 27, 2013 18:49:25

October 25, 2013 12:29 PM

Dear Mr Bradshaw

I suggest and recommend you familiarise yourself with the subject title which I sent to you yesterday.

It is consistently obvious that Carillion and the DCC have knowingly and wilfully circumvented the above Act and in particular with the contaminated water since 2005 and more recently the sub standard windows, heating and ventilation.

Moreover and more importantly the above Act clearly states the Sec of State for Education holds full remit for UK schools; hence you might want to ask Michael Gove why he has consistently lied to me about his Education Remit.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Vexatious to raise these matters, was it?

PFI Schools Posted on Thu, October 24, 2013 17:31:23!

Please Sir, I am hot and thirsty

PFI Schools Posted on Sat, October 19, 2013 07:40:25

“Aedas accused of failings over inadequate ventilation and overheating at six Exeter schools

Contractor Carillion has launched a £1 million court case against Aedas claiming that the architect failed to properly design six school projects in Exeter.

Aedas is accused of failing to properly manage a design process which led to windows being installed which provided inadequate ventilation and led to school buildings overheating.

Carillion says it was forced to carry out remedial work which in some cases involved installing new windows and skylights.

The contractor is seeking £893,479 plus interest and court costs for breach of contract and duty in relation to the design of windows by Aedas and its mechanical and engineering consultant Hoare Lee and Partners.

Papers filed at London’s High Court allege that Aedas failed to “exercise the reasonable skill care and diligence to be expected of a reasonably competent architect” and “failed to direct the design process adequately”.

The six schools were built between 2005 and 2008 as part of a PFI agreement between Devon County Council and Modern Schools Exeter, which in turn appointed Carillion.

Carillion’s case is based on a claim that Aedas and Hoare Lee decided to design windows which complied with a building regulations requirement that windows open to an area equivalent to 1/20th of a building’s floor area.

The contractor alleges that this decision was flawed and failed to take into account the fact that not all windows were able to be opened and some were to be fitted with restrictors which limited their openable area.

“No reasonably competent architect, lead designer, lead consultant or mechanical and electrical engineer should have disregarded the ventilation rates and/or overheating requirements and base the design solely on attempting to achieve compliance with the 1/20th requirement,” the contractor says.

A thermal study carried out by Hoare Lee concluded that the buildings would not exceed a temperature of 28C for more than 80 hours a year. But Carillion claims this study was based on the same incorrect assumptions.

“It subsequently became clear that there was a disparity between the thermal modelling carried out by Hoare Lea and the actual construction at the schools,” the contractor says.

A spokeswoman for Aedas said: “Whilst we consider the case against Aedas to be unfounded, regrettably Carillion have decided to pursue this claim. Unfortunately we are unable to comment further due to the impending legal proceedings.”

The schools are: Bradley Rowe Primary School; Priory High School; St James’ High School, St Peter’s Church of England High School; West Exe Technology College; St Luke’s Church of England High School.”

Ben Bradshaw

PFI Schools Posted on Sat, October 19, 2013 07:31:27

Email sent – 19 October 2013 07:22

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Your position as MP for Exeter is now untenable, and I call for you to resign with immediate affect.

Thousands of children attending the 6 PFI schools in Exeter have been subject to unacceptablly high tempratures in these 6 PFI schools without adeqauate ventilation and without adequate and safe drinking water for the past 6 or7 years.

I refer to the breaking news that Carillion are suing the school Designers, AEDAS, ref the design of the school windows.

You are on record that these 6 PFI schools are flagship design and build. No person applying a right and proper mind could make such a statement. I must, therefore, assume you applied a perverse mindset when you made such statements.
Your actions and inactions over H&S at these 6 PFI schools is at best pathetic and at worst complicit in fraud.

Unfortunately, my only redress against you is via the ballot box and rest assured you will not be getting any more votes from me.
This schools situation is now abhorent.

Yours in disgust

Alan M Dransfield

“Carillion launches £1m claim against Aedas over school windows”

Letter from Carillion claiming clean bill of health at all PFI schools

PFI Schools Posted on Sat, October 12, 2013 08:44:14

Simply not true!

Email to St Peters C of E aided school

PFI Schools Posted on Sat, October 12, 2013 08:42:14

Email sent – Thursday, October 10, 2013 3:34 PM

Dear Sirs

I have looked at your website and found one short paragraph that claims that extensive testing of the drinking water is still ongoing hence you have asked the children to bring in their own water.

Can you please confirm that is still the situation as of today’s date 10/10/13?

Why are you asking the children/ parents to bring in their own water? Surely the school has a duty of care to provide free drinking water.

Please confirm

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan Dransfield

No clean drinking water

PFI Schools Posted on Sat, October 12, 2013 08:08:05

Email sent – Thursday, October 10, 2013 7:10 PM

Dear Mr Bradshaw MP

Please see the St Peters school website and you will clearly see that extensive water testing is still being undertaken at St Peters school, which contradicts the Carillion statement that all 6 schools have been given a clean bill of health.

You need to kick some doors down at the Carillion and DCC office because Carillion are lying through their teeth about this contaminated water nonsense.

May I suggest you contact OFSTED and ask them why the basic welfare need of free drinking water has not been met at this school for best part of a decade? Shall we issue the kids with jugs and let them go down to the river and get a drink like they do in thirld world countries? You are failing your duty of due care to these kids and you should be ashamed of yourself for turning a blind eye to these life threatening dangers.

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

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