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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Shockingly vexatious and unreasonable requests – not!

Devon County Council Posted on Mon, February 23, 2015 20:37:35

Email sent – 23 February 2015 06:47

Dear Mr Bradshaw

In the event the Court of Appeal rule against me in the subject title, I intend to appeal to the Supreme Court or the ECHR and I am now preparing my skeleton argument.

As you are aware the Information Commissioner’s Office & Devon County Council legal argument is solely reliant on the context and history of my FOIA requests.

Please see the DCC list of their vexatious or manifestly unreasonable exemptions/refusals. This list contains 55 of my FOIA requests between 11/4/11/ and 7/3/12.

Each and every one of my FOIA requests in this letter is straightforward and benign and holds serious purpose and public interest. Not one single request from the attached list is either vexatious or manifestly unreasonable. On the contrary, they have been made in the interest of health and safety issues concerning the general public and in the interest of the public purse.

There is no doubt in my mind that it is the DCC and the ICO who have been vexatious not me.

I invite my MP to read each of my 55 FOIA requests and then advise me if you think my requests are either vexatious or manifestly unreasonable. I appreciate your view must be face value but as MP for Exeter, you do have first hand knowledge of a couple of items namely:

1. Millions of tonnes of contaminated cement were sold to the West Country in 2005 from Lafarge Cement Company. Both the DCC and the ICO claim it was a batch of contaminated cement, which is hogwash. It was a batch of cement all right which contained over a million tonnes of the stuff which the DCC and City Council turned a blind eye to.

2. St Peters NEW PFI school was provided with bottled water for 6/7 years because the drinking water was contaminated.

Would it be possible to book an appointment at your Friday night Surgery to discuss these FOIA requests please?

With thanks

Yours sincerely.

Alan M Dransfield

By the way, it is now approx 11/12 years since the contaminated cement was raised in the first instance by myself and I would envisage that we will now start to encounter serious structural failures/ collapses of Buildings and Structures which contains hundreds of tonnes of contaminated cement (including the 6 PFI schools), which will no doubt be further cost to the public purse. As a long standing MP of Exeter you have first hand knowledge of such dangers but have chosen to ignore them.

And Devon County Council won’t allow scrutiny from council taxpayers either

Devon County Council Posted on Tue, February 10, 2015 20:55:51

Councillor W Mumford

Devon County Council Posted on Tue, February 10, 2015 20:12:19

Email sent – 10 February 2015 19:08

Dear Mr Bradshaw MP

I would be most grateful if you would write
to the Devon County Council and ascertain when Councillor W Mumford resigned his position with
the DCC after holding a senior management position with Norfolk Property
Services (NPS)? Any such joint roles would automatically follow as a serious
breach and conflict of interest.

You might also wish to enquire if Cllr
Mumford included his roles with NPS on his Members Interests.

Alan Dransfield.

Anti-fraud and corruption policy. What anti-fraud and corruption policy?

Devon County Council Posted on Sun, January 18, 2015 17:00:10

Email sent – 18 January 2015 14:49

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Please find below the Devon County Council policy and procedure for investigating
allegations of fraud at the DCC.

I can state categorically that the DCC did
not follow their own Policy and Procedures ref my claims of fraud and theft of
public funds at the DCC.

Could you please write to the DCC Chief Executive Officer and ask him
why he did not follow their own policy and procedures for fraud.

I would ask them myself
but no doubt they would deem my request as vexatious.

With thanks

Alan M

Maybe a job for Eric

And, the answer will be? No!

Devon County Council Posted on Sun, August 31, 2014 07:42:10

Email sent –

29 August 2014 17:25

Dear Mr Bradshaw

As you are aware, I am on record at your office with my concerns for public safety at the New Climbing Centre on Exeter Haven Banks Quay. In particular, they are:-

1. Gas Installation.

2. Lightning Protection.

3. Hand Rail Safety on the climbing tower.

4. Weils Desease

Would you like to meet me at the climbing centre to discuss these matters?

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Sadly, Dransfield was right

Devon County Council Posted on Sun, August 31, 2014 07:37:37

Email sent – 30 August 2014 11:26

Dear Mr Bradshaw

I can confirm the recent fatal accident involving a 12 year boy on Topsham Road was at the pedestrian crossing which I reported to you and the Police some 4/6 weeks ago. It is too early to suggest you have blood on your hands until the facts are known.

However, it is a fact I reported a serious H&S irregularity at this particular roundabout pedestrian crossing to you personally and to the local police on two occasions in the last 4/6 weeks. It is a fact the local police conducted a safety survey at this Location some 2/3 weeks ago.

Three questions immediately come to mind:-

1. Could this death have been avoided?

2. What action, if any, has been taken to ensure against any future deaths/injuries at this location?

3.Why have these life threatening dangers not been identified by the traffic police or DCC Highway Officials?

There is no doubt in my mind there will be further deaths at this roundabout and pedestrian crossing immediately opposite the Shell Garage.

For your information action and files.

Your sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Some success

Devon County Council Posted on Sun, August 24, 2014 08:36:34

Email sent 19 August 2014 08:27

Countess Wear Pedestrian Crossing

Dear Mr Bradshaw

In light of the recent provision of tactile pavement outside
the Blind School in Topsham Road, which is, I am sure down to your tenacity,
hard work and good contacts at the Devon County Council, I now call upon my
MP to uses your influence in sorting out the pedestrian crossing problems
immediately outside the Esso petrol Station ref subject title, which is a mere
stone’s throw from the Blind School.

This pedestrian crossing is a deathtrap. It has not been provisioned with either audio or visual
warning and any pedestrian using this crossing is most vulnerable. Usain Bolt
would encounter difficulty on this particular crossing. Most vulnerable people,
elderly, partially-sighted, blind and disabled are most vulnerable at this
particular crossing.

Without a doubt this pedestrian crossing is in clear
violation of the Equality Act and it beggars belief the police and local authorities have turned a blind eye to such a serious health hazard for so long. The very same people who are spending thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money claiming my FOI requests are vexatious.

If my requests are vexatious, why did they carry out emergency road works to install the Blind School tactile pavements? Has that thought not crossed your mind Mr Bradshaw and you Mr
Bailey. of the Information Commissioner’s Office?
Now I have your attention, I wish you to call for an emergency
highways meeting to discuss this specific highways safety issue.


Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Would you be so
kind as to submit a FOI request on my behalf to the DCC asking for a copy of
the original approved plans for this particular pedestrian crossing?
I would
do this myself but the DCC would surely class my FOI request as vexatious. and I
am still under a lifetime email ban.

Why were these costs hidden?

Devon County Council Posted on Sun, August 24, 2014 08:29:47

Email sent – 21 August 2014 08:31

Audit Commission
1st Floor, Fry Building
2 Marsham Street


Dear Sir

I wish to report internal and external audit fraud at the Devon County Council
In particular, the DCC have not included the public purse costs for the
DCC legal fees in their legal pursuit of FOIA cases and in particular two FOIA cases
Dransfield v ICO and DCC, which has been subject to large costs for several
years. Whether or not the DCC have included such costs for previous years I know
not, but I will be going through their Fiscal Audit Reports since 2009.

My allegations are levelled at the latest audit report of period 2013/14 which
I claim have been subject to serious fraud and deception, with the full
knowledge of the CEO and Board of Governors.

I believe the DCC internal and external auditors are deliberately hiding these
costs as part of a wider conspiracy by the DCC to pervert the course of

For your information, action and files

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

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