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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.


Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, September 08, 2013 17:36:27

Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2013 9:08 AM


Attn the Information Commissioner

Dear Sir

Please ensure this letter is passed to the Information Commissioner in person. I would also be grateful if you would pass this onto the DCC also, because similar libel and defamation charges will be brought against the DCC.

I put you on notice that I am seeking legal advice because I believe the ICO has libelled me in their 37 page Vexatious Guidelines, and in particular the following statement:-

“A manifestly unjustified, inappropriate or improper use of a formal procedure.”

The publication of the Operation Maintenance Manual (OMM) for the Exeter Chiefs Rugby Bridge which was available (not to me) at the time of the UT Case Hearing does, in my view, support my allegation that Judge Wikeley has libelled me via his Court Authority in GIA/3037/2011 and in particular his above comments and ditto for the ICO in their recent publication of their 37 Page Vexatious Guidelines Document.

We now know the above comments from Judge Wikeley could not be further from the truth, and we also know that no person applying a right and proper mind could have made such a statement, which, incidentally, does not appear in Judge Wikeley Case Notes from the hearing!

…… and the Information Commissioner himself knew or should have known that the BOLD statement above was a LIE.

Conversely, I could counter-claim the exact same statement made by Judge Wikeley ref his decision and the ICO Guidlines Document. Moreover and more importantly, I would add that Judge Wikeley has used a perverse mindset to make the bold statement above and the ICO has also applied a perverse mindset when using the GIA/3037/2011 Court Authority in their Guidance Guidelines published approx 2 weeks ago…..

……Not only have the ICO disseminated further Libel in their Publication of the 37 page Vexatious Guidelines , they have defamed my good name by malicious and wilfull statements such as above in bold font.

I rely on the afforementioned OMM for the Rugby Bridge document, which was recently published by the DCC, to support my libel and Defamation claims against the ICO and HM Courts.

In the interest of Justice, I suggest/recommend you do the following:-

1. An immediate withdrawal and an apology to HM Courts for misleading … HM Courts.

2.An immediate withdrawal from your website of the 37 page document of Vexatious Guidelines

3.An Immediate public apology to be made to me in the paper of my choice and the contents of the apology to be agreed with me before publication.

4.An immediate financial compensation package to be offered to me for the libel and defamation charges against me.

For your information, action and files

with thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M DransfielW

What on Earth is going on at the Information Commissioner’s Office?

Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, September 08, 2013 14:54:45

Vexatious Request Documentation

Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, September 08, 2013 14:28:11

Email sent – June 02, 2013 6:03 AM

Dear Mr Bailey

Please treat this as an official FOIA request and I would be grateful if you would pass this onto the Information Commissioner in person.

Please provide me with the following information related to the recent publication of the new 37 Page Vexatious Request Documentation, published 15th May2013.

1.Who made the final decision that New Criteria and guidance was required?

2.Copies of all letters, emails, internal memos on any related issue with the new 37 page document.

3.Total costs for the documentation

4.Who from the ICO authorised this document?

5.Was the 37 page document reviewed by the ICO Legal Department; if so please provided the approved Legal Advisor’s signature.

6. Did the ICO consult any 3rd parties on this new vexatious document; if so please provide copies of such consultation.

7. Did the ICO consult the Upper Tribunal or the Department of Justice before they published the 37 page vexatious guidelines; if so please provide letter or email both ways.

8. Please provide any documentation or instruction you may hold which authorises ICO Officers or ICO Barristers to compile final Decision Notices for approval signatures of the Upper Tribunals Final Decision Notices.

I appreciate that any FOIA request is motive blind by the FOIA 2000, but I have no reservations in informing you that I require such information from the ICO because I fervently believe the 37 page vexatious document is UNLAWFUL and I believe it is a criminal tool,designed and created by the ICO to assist the passage of fraud and theft of public funds and is part of a wider conspiracy to pervert the course of Justice by unfettered access to ROGUE VEXATIOUS DECISIONS on a whim,eg.GIA/3037/2011.

The ICO vexatious guideline is based on my GIA/3037/2011 decision, Alan M Dransfield V ICO&DCC dated 28th Jan 2013.

At this Juncture, that Statute Court Authority remains lawful, but owing to the recent publication of the Operation Maintenance Manual of the Exeter Chiefs Rugby Bridge which irrefutably proves the GIA/3037/2011 is at best, unlawful…….

As you are aware GIA/3037/2011 is currently awaiting Court of Appeal Permission. I believe GIA/3037/2011 to be not only a rogue decision, I believe it is both defamatory and libelous to my good name and I put you on notice that I will be seeking legal Redress on these two matters at a later date. Hence, my FOIA request.

I suggest/recommend that the Information Commissioner should write and immediately request the Ministry of Justice to withdraw GIA/3037/.2011 from the statute book and I also suggest/recommend the new 37 page Vexatious Document should be withdrawn with immediate effect owing to my allegations they are both unlawful

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Email ban from the Upper Tribunal

Information Commissioner Posted on Sat, September 07, 2013 17:15:48

Friday, May 31, 2013 8:21 AM


Upper Tribunal President Mr Justice Charles.

Dear Sir

I would be most grateful if you would pass this email onto the Upper Tribunal, as I been placed under an email ban by the UT. Quite frankley, I think the UT email ban against me is part of a wider conspiracy to block and obstruct justice. Whether or not the email ban is a lifetime ban I know not, neither do I know if I can appeal against it.

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield

No response from the ICO Board yet

Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, September 01, 2013 18:55:23

Friday, August 30, 2013 7:30 PM

Dear Mr Bailey

Subject: Polite followup to my letter to the Board of Governors

I am sure you will recall my letter to the ICO Board of Governers and Non/Executive Directors approximately 3 weeks ago. I would be most grateful if you would do a follow up for me please.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

No transparency at the Information Commissioner’s Office

Information Commissioner Posted on Tue, July 02, 2013 18:18:37

Request for Information

Dear Mr Dransfield

Further to our acknowledgement, we are now in a position to provide you with a response to your request for information dated 31 May 2013.

As you know we have dealt with your request in accordance with your ‘right to know’ under section 1(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), which entitles you to be provided with a copy of any information ‘held’ by a public authority, unless an appropriate exemption applies.


In your e-mail of 31 May 2013 you asked us to provide you with the following information:

‘Please provide me with the following information related to the recent publication of the New 37 Page Vexatious Request documentation, published 15th May2013.

1.Who made the final decision that New Criteria and guidance was required.

2.Copies of all letters, emails ,internal memos on any related issue with the New 37 Page document.

3.Total Costs for the documentation

4.Who from the ICO authorised this document.

5.Was the 37 page document reviewed by the ICO Legal Department, if so please provided the approved Legal Advisor’s signature.

6. Did the ICO consult any 3rd parties on this new vexatious document, if so please provide copies of such consultation.

7. Did the ICO consult the Upper Tribunal or the Department of Justice before they published the 37 page vexatious guidelines, if so please provide letter or email both ways.

8. Please provide any documentation or instruction you may hold which Authorises ICO Officers or ICO Barristers to Compile Final Decision Notices for approval signatures of the Upper Tribunals Final Decision Notices.’

Response to request

In this instance we have decided to refuse to provide you with the information you are requesting under section 14(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). This refusal has been made having carefully considered the ICO’s new and recently published guidance on the application of section 14 FOIA,

Section 14 of FOIA is intended to protect public authorities from those who might abuse the right to request information. It states:

‘14.—(1) Section 1(1) does not oblige a public authority to comply
with a request for information if the request is vexatious.’

The ICO’s new guidance explains that when deciding on whether or not a request is vexatious, the key question to be asked is, ‘…whether the request is likely to cause a disproportionate or unjustified level of disruption, irritation or distress.’

There can be a number of indicators which point to a request being vexatious. Further to these, a public authority is able to take into account its previous dealings with a requestor.

In this situation we believe that there is an over-arching theme which runs through a number of your requests to the ICO. At least 12 of your requests, in the ICO’s opinion, can be linked to this theme.

You made a complaint to us regarding Devon County Council’s (DCC) decision to apply section 14(1) FOIA to a request of yours. This complaint led to the issuing of a decision notice under section 50 FOIA, upholding the application of section 14(1) by DCC. You subsequently appealed to the First-Tier Tribunal, which upheld your appeal. The ICO appealed that decision to the Upper Tribunal, it upheld the ICO’s appeal.

All 12 of these requests relate either directly to your original complaint, to the subsequent appeals, to those involved in the complaint and appeals process and to the ICO’s relationship and dealings with the Information Rights Tribunal (please see appendix at the end of this response for the full list of requests). Ultimately all of these requests stem from your dissatisfaction with the decisions in relation to your complaint made to the ICO and Upper Tribunal and your belief that the ICO’s application of section 14(1) FOIA is incorrect and, as you have stated, our newly produced guidance is unlawful.

Your persistence in this matter, despite the binding conclusion of the Upper Tribunal, can be fairly characterised as an attempt to re-open an issue that has clearly already been dealt with. This is particularly the case when considering the legal standing of the Upper Tribunal’s decision and the fact that to some extent it has informed our new guidance on section 14 FOIA.

Further to this, you have made complaints about the conduct of the members of staff at the ICO who dealt with your complaint and the appeals process, none of which have been substantiated. It is clear that such complaints could cause irritation and distress to those individuals to which the complaints relate. For example, in an email of yours to a member of the ICO’s legal department, Richard Bailey, of 4 June 2012 you stated the following:

I wish to introduce the Fraud Act 2006 for my forthcoming TEST CASE and I seek the UT permission to use it please.
The Fraud Act 2006 is relevant to the TEST CASE because there is prima facie evidence on record that BOTH the ICO Solicitor Richard Bailey and the DCC have knowingly and wilfully submitted false and misleading information to the Upper Tribunal to assist the passage of fraud by the DCC and to Pervert the Course of Justice.’

This can be seen further in the way you have corresponded with staff, using language which goes beyond that which is necessary. For example, in an email to the ICO of 9 October 2012, you wrote the following:

‘I don’t wish you to respond to me Sir, I wish you to elevate my complaint against Richard Bailey and YOU to your Line Manager, that is assuming you do have a superior and don’t answer directly to GOD??!!’

Although this is not overtly offensive, in that it does not use profane language, the tone can perhaps be viewed as at least disrespectful.

Although you clearly believe that your complaints are valid with regards to these individuals and the conclusion of the complaint process, your persistence and your inability to accept our decision, one which has been accepted by an independent body (the Upper Tribunal) has eroded what serious purpose there was to your requests.

Following on from this, the necessity of the ICO’s Information Governance department having to deal with continued requests on this theme, despite the erosion of their serious purpose and when it is clear that the answers which are provided are not accepted, is having a detrimental impact on the ability of Information Governance to carry out its day-to-day work. It takes staff away from core work which they could be doing.

It is for these reasons that the ICO believes your request to be vexatious and as such, we do not feel we are obliged to respond to it.

I would also like to point out that any further requests which relate to the theme identified in this refusal notice, will remain unanswered.

Review Procedure

I hope this response sets out clearly our position in relation to this request. If you are dissatisfied with the response you have received and wish to request a review of our decision or make a complaint about how your request has been handled you should write to the Information Governance Department at the address below or e-mail

Your request for internal review should be submitted to us within 40 working days of receipt by you of this response. Any such request received after this time will only be considered at the discretion of the Commissioner.

If having exhausted the review process you are not content that your request or review has been dealt with correctly, you have a further right of appeal to this office in our capacity as the statutory complaint handler under the legislation. To make such an application, please write to the First Contact Team, at the address below or visit the ‘Complaints’ section of our website to make a Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations complaint online.

A copy of our review procedure is available here.

Yours sincerely

Richard Sisson
Lead Information Governance Officer
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Councils with a lot to hide make use of Dransfield Vexatious Ruling

Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, June 09, 2013 07:22:00

The Dransfield Vexatious ruling being used already by councils with a lot to hide.


Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, June 02, 2013 06:40:40

Tireless Exeter FOIA campaigner, Alan M Dransfield, has been thrown out of his next First Tier Tribunal hearing on Contempt of Court charges. He is undaunted by this latest charge from the FTT saying it is fairly obvious to him that the ICO/DCC/FTT and the UT are in clear breach of section 77 of the FOIA 2000.

Dransfield was due to attended a rescheduled FTT 3rd retrial in London in July relating to his FOI request dating back to May 2010 for the 6 PFI schools which he still claims are unfit for purpose. In the last FTT London hearing the FTT adjourned the hearing based on “evidential gaps” from the Devon County Council. The FTT Judge also put the DCC on a cost warning.

Dransfield also suffered a serious FOI setback earlier this year when the Upper Tribunal (UT) declared his Rugby Bridge FOI request was indeed VEXATIOUS, which overturned an earlier non-vexatious decision by the FTT judge. Its most unusual for the ICO to be the driving force behind any appeal to the UT.

The FOIA Campaigner from Exeter claims there is prima facie evidence available of a wider conspiracy involving the ICO/DCC and HM Judges, who have clearly breached section 77 of the FOIA 2000 which states it is unlawful for any individual to block or obstruct a FOIA request.

The foundation of his Rugby Bridge FOIA requests was related to the Lightning Protection Standards (LPS); throughout the FOIA cases the ICO and the DCC have claimed the Rugby Bridge has state of the art lightning protection. This is a patently untrue and can be confirmed by the recent publication of the Operation Maintenance Manual (OMM) for the bridge, which confirms the Rugby Bridge has been devoid of adequate LPS since it was built in 2005. He further explained that the publication of the OMM is adequate proof the Upper Tribunal Decision was reached by an apparently perverse mindset and, possibly, a wider conspiracy.

He now awaits his application to the Court of Appeal on the Rugby Bridge Case and an Appeal to the Upper Tribunal on the PFI schools is in place.

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