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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Cherwood College

Vexatious Posted on Mon, March 24, 2014 17:36:07

Sunday, March 23, 2014 8:51 AM


Information Commissioners Office

Dear Sirs

Under protection of the FOIA 2000 please provide me with the following information related to the ICO decision notice FS 50461117 dated 26 Mar 2013 ref Oxford Cherwood College v Unnamed Complainant

1. A copy of the response from the College to the ICO decision.

2. The ICO monitoring reports on the particular complaint.

3.Copies of all letters and email between the ICO and Oxford Cherwood College between 26th Feb 2013 until this complaint was closed.

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield

Illegal and terrifying

Vexatious Posted on Sat, March 22, 2014 07:55:02

Saturday, March 22, 2014 7:23 AM

Subject: GIA/3037/2011 Dransfield v ICO &Devon County Council(DCC)

Dear Judge Jacob and Mr Justice Charles the GRC President

I am writing a joint letter to the GRC President and Judge Edward Jacobs to report a very serious situation ref the case in subject title, which as you are both aware, is still before the Court of Appeal.

As Mr Justice Charles is aware, I am record with a number of serious allegations ref the UT Judge Nicholas Wikeley the UT Judge on this case, which are in abeyance until the conclusion of the Court of Appeal..

I fully appreciate that you cannot intervene in this case as it is still before the Court of Appeal and this letter is merely to keep you updated of the gravity of this case. In particular, there are nearly 200 ICO vexatious exemptions under section 14/(1) which have been handed down by the ICO since Jan 2013 and ALL of these cases are UNLAWFUL because they have relied upon GIA/3037/2011.

There are some very High Profile Public Authorities which have relied upon the GIA/3037/2011 as a Court Authority, including the ICO,CPS,Ministry of Justice,Home Office,DWP to mention but a few.

The latest Public Authority to Jump on the Dransfield Bandwaggon is the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS),4th Mar 14, whom, quite frankly should know better.Please see FS50517505 5th Mar 2014 para 14-16

As UT President and Senior Judge,I am sure you are familiar with Stare Decisis,Sub-Judice,Due Process and Common Law. Therefore, you are both aware that GIA/3037/2011 is STILL ACTIVE before the Court of Appeal and therefore CANNOT be used as a Court Authority/Precedence UNTIL the Court of Appeal has made their Final Ruling.

For avoidance of doubt,I am due to appear before the Court of Appeal C3/2013/1855 on the 6th June 2014 regarding the GIA/3037/2011 case, therefore GIA/3037/2011 is STILL ACTIVE.

There are are approx 200 ICO case which we know about via the ICO records but there could be a MYRIAD of other PA vexatious decisions which have NOT reached the ICO appeal.

It should be noted that there is one public Authority on record which has withdrawn its Vexatious Exemption from Public Record and issued an Apology to the FOIA requests. I refer to Walberswick Parish Council.

In essence ALL the ICO Vexatious Exemption Decisions made since Jan 2013 are not only unlawful, they are a serious Contempt of Court Issue and STILL the ICO CHURN out VEXATIOUS decisions base on no more than a WHIM.

For your information also there is a FTT hearing in London next Monday 24th Mar where the Public Authority (ICO) First Respondent is solely reliant upon GIA/3037/2011.I refer to EA/2010/0152 Dransfield v ICO & DCC.

Ironically, the GRC President Judge Nicholas J Warren has excused the First Respondent (ICO) from Attending the hearing, which quite frankly beggars belief.

I am merely keeping you abreast of the situation which appears to be a Legal Debacle.

For your information,action and files

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Appellant. LIP

Erroneous training of FOI lawyers

Vexatious Posted on Tue, March 18, 2014 08:00:46

The dangerous issue of using the Dransfield case for training FOI lawyers.

Walberswick Parish Council

Vexatious Posted on Mon, March 17, 2014 08:50:06

Sent March 14, 2014 6:38 AM
Subject – BREACH OF FOIA 2000 AND 2012

Dear Sirs

This letter is for the attention of the next Walberswick Parish Council (WPC) Meeting on the 7th April 2014 and in particular the Walberswick Parish Council misconduct over the past 24 months relating to FOIA requests and the management of the same.

In particular, the WPC have relied upon my Upper Tribunal Case ref GIA/3037/2011 Dransfield v ICO & Devon County Council decision as a Court Authority on 3 different FOIA requests from Williams/Widden/Linely. The Dransfield decision was not a court authority at the time of your vexatious exemptions and more importantly it is not a Court Authority at this juncture Mar 2014.

Therefore, your reliance to apply section 14/1 vexatious exemption may well be overturned at the Court of Appeal Hearing t.b.c.

I understand that seven (7) Walberserwick Councillors resigned over this matter and you have issued apologies to the three FOIA requesters.

Please consider this letter as a twofold request.

Firstly, to be addressed at the next WPC Meeting on the 7th April 2014 ,i.e formal complaint against WPC. Secondly, as a FOIA request to provide me with copies of all FOIA requests and your responses for the past 2 years please including a copy of the WPC apology to the 3 FOIA requesters aforementioned.

WPC may well argue that they took advice from the the ICO and in particular the ICO Vexatious Guidelines version 1(undated), but I can advise WPC that I consider that document to be sub-judice and the WPC should have taken external legal advice.

There is prima facie evidence of a wider conspiracy by the ICO and nationwide public Authorities such as the WPC to pervert the course of Justice by the wilful circumvention of the FOIA 2000 and 2012.

I put you on notice that I reserve the right to cover all legal costs should it be proven that WPC have used my name in bad faith , e.g. libeled my good name.

For your information, action and files.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield


Vexatious Posted on Mon, March 17, 2014 08:38:38

Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 2:19 PM

Subject: FOI 88765 response – Dransfield.doc

UK CampaignFOIA

Dear Maurice

If you have one ounce of honesty and integrity you will cycle down to the Ministry of Justice and kick their doors down and demand an explanation to this hogwash letter.

Yours in disgust

Alan M Dransfield

Tooltime Tim

Vexatious Posted on Thu, January 16, 2014 21:43:03

Dear Tim Turner,

When you said:-

“I have had to prevent a comment from appearing here because it was a
series of libelous and unfounded allegations.”

I assume you mean my statement about you. Oh well, you obviously don’t have the courage to publish what’s being said
about you.

Whilst I would expect some of my
allegations against the Devon County Council have indeed vexed numerous people, if they had handled my allegations of malfeasance and fraud etc properly and
in accordance with their own complaints procedures they wouldn’t be in this mess now.

It is as clear as day that Devon County Council AND the ICO AND Judge Wikeley have
treated me as vexatious not my FOIA request. Vexatious is an adjective and the
introduction of protean word by an, I am led to believe, unqualified lawyer, Tom Cross, confirms they
don’t have a full understanding of English.

My Upper Tribunal hearing was a test case and neither Cross or Wikeley are language Experts.

“Weakening our power to make the state speak”

Vexatious Posted on Wed, January 15, 2014 21:11:39

The Guardian on Dransfield

Vexatious Posted on Wed, January 15, 2014 21:10:13

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