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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

As Built Health and Safety Files

Vexatious Posted on Sun, July 31, 2016 07:01:04

Email sent – 30/07/2016 06:41

Attn Elizabeth Denham

Information Commissioner

Dear Madam

Please confirm you have
received a copy of the As Built Heath and Safety File (ABHSF) from your PA
Louise Mottershead.

It is of paramount importance
that you read and understand the legal ramifications of this ABHSF
because this legal document clearly demonstrates the ICO are in meltdown
and they have conspired with the Devon County Council and HM Judges to pervert
the Course of Justice ref the application of vexatious exemptions re
GIA/3037/2011/Dransfield V ICO.

In a nutshell, the ABHSF proves without a shadow of doubt that the Judge
Wikeley’s vexatious decision was manufactured out of political expediency and
perverted mindset.

It is also most disconcerting
to learn that the ICO failed their duty of care in the last couple of years ref security cameras nationwide.

Please see the following url link which clearly shows the ICO are colluding
with 3rd parties ref security cameras failures nationwide. It beggars
belief the ICO have redacted their own email chain.

I reiterate the
importance of a personal meeting with you to discuss these matters.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Richard Bailey, Senior Information Commission Solicitor

Vexatious Posted on Sun, July 31, 2016 06:55:47

Email sent – 30/07/2016 08:02

Solicitor Regulators Authority

Dear Sirs

I wish to lodge a formal
complaint against a public authority solicitor who, I claim has acted in bad
faith to pervert the course of justice.

In particular, I refer to Mr
Richard Bailey who is the Solicitor for the Information Commissioner’s Office

ICO records will show that Mr
Bailey has knowing and willfully circumvented sect 77 of the FOIA …….An ocular inspection of ICO decision
notice records will show bad faith and willful blindness by Mr Bailey. I
refer to GIA/3037/2011 Dransfield V ICO.

ICO records will also show that section 14/1 of the FOIA is
being abused to hand down vexatious exemptions on a whim by Mr Bailey.

This ICO notice will show Mr Bailey acted in concert with
the Ministry of Justice, Devon County Council and other 3rd parties to defraud
me and other UK Citizens.

For you information, action and files

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Original FOIA request to Devon County Council emphatically not vexatious

Vexatious Posted on Sun, July 10, 2016 08:38:21

Email sent – 10/07/2016 08:21

Att the Information
Commissioner’s Personal Assistant, Miss Louise Mottershead.

Dear Madam

I wish to offer irrefutable, tangible evidence that my
original FOIA request to the Devon County Council copy of the sought after data subject to
my original FOIA request. In particular, I refer to the As Built Health and
Safety File which is attached and some 300 plus pages.

May I suggest you run a search engine of this PDF file under
Lightning and you will not find one single entry? I suggest you even try the
incorrect spelling of lightening and still you will find not one single
entry either.

In a nutshell, this As
Built Health and Safety File (ABHSF) shows my request was in the public
interest and my allegations of wrong doing by the Devon County Council were factual and
well founded. The attached document was published under a FOIA request to a
3rd party via the What Do They Know website in 2014.

This attached file also proves
without a shadow of doubt the DCC committed perjury and the ICO have knowingly
and willfuly submitted false and misleading information to the FTT/UT/Court of
Appeal and Supreme Court.

I wish this attached document and this letter to be placed
in the in-tray of the new Information Commissioner because when she reads this
attached document she will surely instigate an internal inquiry in the
Dransfield Vexatious decision. The existence of this ABHSF has been known by
all parties since my original FOIA request in April 2009.

The attached ABHSF is
irrefutable,concrete evidence that the ICO has been part of a wider
conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and in particular the willful breach
of section 77 of the said act.

Suggestions and

Arrange an urgent meeting with the New Information
Commissioner, Miss Denham with the full board of ICO directors to discuss
this Dransfield Vexatious case. ………

The ramifications of this are very serious because the Dransfield Vexatious request must be revoked as a
matter of urgency, which means approx 1800 Vexatious decisions handed down by
the ICO as a Dransfield Court Authority shall also be revoked. Ditto for the
1000 ICO decisions under the EIR-2004

Any such meeting at the ICO will be pointless unless I
attend personally, with my Legal adviser.

Owing to the gravity of my allegations, please acknowledge
receipt of this letter.

Quite frankly, given my allegations of wrongdoing by Senior ICO officials
behooves the ICO to call for a criminal investigation by Cheshire Police

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

(attachment is too large to upload to this blog)

Dransfield case used to protect David Kelly secrets

Vexatious Posted on Sat, July 09, 2016 08:10:50

Email sent – Fri 08/07/2016 06:45

Louise Mottershead

PA to the Information
Commissioner Miss Newham

Dear Madam

Please see the following link which confirms the
GIA/3037/2011 Dransfield v ICO has been used to protect the David Kelly

It would appear …. Christopher Graham at the Information Commissioner’s Office has
acted in concert with the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court to pervert the
course of justice……..

This latest revelation about the ICO being complicit with Blair and current Government Officials and in particular to use the GIA/3037/2011
Dransfield v ICO is of the gravest allegation, it behooves your office to alert
Miss Newham.

Please add this to my list of misconduct by ICO officials, as it is
imperative Miss Newham is informed about this matter asap.

As you are aware, I am on record that the ICO are in meltdown and these
David Kelly allegations compound the matter.

I do state that the Dransfield Vexatious Case and the conduct of the ICO are
a top priority for the New Information Commissioner Miss Newham, who takes
control on the 18th July 2016……..

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.

For your information, action and files.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield


May I take this opportunity in submitting a brand New FOIA request to the

1. Please advise me of Christopher Graham’s pension plan details.

2. Please advise me if Christopher Graham has signed a Comprise Agreement.

An outbreak of common sense. Hallelujah.

Vexatious Posted on Sat, July 09, 2016 08:04:02,%20Joseph%20EA-2016-0020%20(04.07.16).pdf

From: alan dransfield []
Sent: 08 July 2016 08:52
To: Louise Mottershead
Fiona Miller miller; John BERCOW;;
Richard Bailey; Maurice Frankel

Miss Louise Mottershead

PA to Elizabeth Denham

Dear Madam

Please see the attached
First Tier Tier Tribunal decision which now requires the ICO/UT/Court of Appeal and
Supreme Court to revisit the GIA/3037/2011 Dransfield V ICO case.

The FTT Judge Callender Smith has made a very courageous decision or he has now seen the error of his ways and has ignored the Supreme
Court Vexatious authority.

Judge Callender Smith claims that public authorities are
abusing the Dransfield Vexatious case.

Please ensure this letter is brought to the attention of
Miss Denham, the incoming Information Commissioner.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Unlawful ICO Vexatious Decision

Vexatious Posted on Sun, July 03, 2016 13:31:20

Email sent – 03/07/2016 12:10

Dear Mr Bailey

I consider the enclosed ICO decision is unlawful because
you have failed to include the Court Authority on which the ICO rely upon, i.e
the GIA/373/2011\Dransfield v ICO

Please bring this matter to the attention of your legal
team to avoid any repetitions, and please amend this particular decision.

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield

Who has been tampering with the landmark Vexatious decision?

Vexatious Posted on Sun, July 03, 2016 13:29:22

Email sent – 03/07/2016 09:07

Dear Mr Bailey of the ICO

Please see the attached link
for both the Upper Tier Tribunal and the Court of Appeal ref the infamous Dransfield Vexatious

There appears to have been some
tampering with this decision and the dates have been changed. The UT decision
was in Jan 2013 not 2015. Furthermore, the CoA decision does not reflect the
decision I hold on file.

Please bring this to the
attention of the outgoing Information Commissioner and the incoming IC

with thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Vexatious to upset the Saudi Government

Vexatious Posted on Sun, July 03, 2016 07:45:41

Email sent – 03/07/2016 07:13

Dear Mr Bradshaw MP

Please see the Information Commissioner’s Office decision which refuses a FOIA request
from a British citizen under section 14/1 Vexatious.

Saudi Arabia is not one of most transparent countries in the
World and I doubt if they have any FOIA.

The ICO has used section 14/1 in this particular case
because they don’t want to upset the Saudi Government. Nice one ICO.

Could you please write to the
ICO asking them not to use my good family name when contacting the Saudi government or any other similar despot country.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

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