Email sent – 30/07/2016 08:02

Solicitor Regulators Authority

Dear Sirs

I wish to lodge a formal
complaint against a public authority solicitor who, I claim has acted in bad
faith to pervert the course of justice.

In particular, I refer to Mr
Richard Bailey who is the Solicitor for the Information Commissioner’s Office

ICO records will show that Mr
Bailey has knowing and willfully circumvented sect 77 of the FOIA …….An ocular inspection of ICO decision
notice records will show bad faith and willful blindness by Mr Bailey. I
refer to GIA/3037/2011 Dransfield V ICO.

ICO records will also show that section 14/1 of the FOIA is
being abused to hand down vexatious exemptions on a whim by Mr Bailey.

This ICO notice will show Mr Bailey acted in concert with
the Ministry of Justice, Devon County Council and other 3rd parties to defraud
me and other UK Citizens.

For you information, action and files

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield