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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Why is the local press silent on this?

Windfarms Posted on Sat, July 19, 2014 07:27:30

Email sent – 19 July 2014 06:57

Attn the Editors
of the Western Morning News and Express and Echo

Dear Sirs

I suggest to
you that the health and safety of the general public in Devon and Cornwall is being compromised by the Health and Safety
Executive ref wind turbine safety.

I suggest
you write to the HSE and obtain a copy of their safety inquiry reports ref

1.Service Order
4260326 ref North Petherwyn WT Collapse

2.Service Order
4260329 Bradworthy

As these are
restricted reports, I am not at liberty to provide copies.

These HSE reports confirm my allegations of serious
malfeasanc .

I believe your
newspapers have a duty of care to disseminate such information.

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

HSE won’t publish report. Why not?

Windfarms Posted on Fri, July 11, 2014 18:25:38

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Collapsed Wind Turbines

I received a letter today ref the subject title. The HSE have advised me that
they do not publish their investigation reports in the public domain which
quite frankly, I find most puzzling because the HSE website contains numerous
accident reports.

The HSE letter confirms
the collapsed wind turbines were caused by design, installation and operation
factors which quote frankly is hogwash and is far too vague for a root
cause investigation. They also claim the reason they do not publish report
is because of commercial sensitive data which is hogwash.

The two wind turbines collapses were cause by fraud and
deception and counterfeit materials.

The HSE are however going
to release a copy of their report under the FOIA 2000.

The HSE letter also
confirmed the lifetime email ban will continue, which is also hogwash.

In essence the HSE are
lying they their teeth and are complicit in hiding serious H&S dangers.

Alan M Dransfield

Wind Turbine Collapse

Windfarms Posted on Mon, June 02, 2014 16:48:57

Email sent – 02 June 2014 08:03

Dear Mr Bradshaw

You will recall the Health and Safety Executive has issued a report on the two collapsed wind turbines in the South West, and they have officially claimed there were some foundation issues which caused the two wind turbines to collapse.

Please see the two photographs which were taken the day after the wind towers collapsed back in Jan 2013 and these photographs prove the HSE and the principle contractors are at best, being disingenuous and at worst would appear to be covering up serious crimes.

Both of these photographs prove the anchor bolts were sub-standard & counterfeit material, and the photographs also prove the anchor bolts snapped off at the base of the tower causing the collapse of the tower.

I suggest the HSE are complicit with others in covering up such crimes because any first year civil engineering student could establish the root cause of the collapse was down to these bolts, grouting and counterfeit materials.

In essence the HSE would appear to be disseminating false and misleading information into the public domain ref the two collapsed wind turbines in Jan 2013…… and I call upon my MP to write to the appropriate Ministers on this matter.

I call upon my MP to seek a public inquiry into these two collapsed wind turbines in the South West.

How many other sub standard wind turbines are just waiting to collapse nationwide?

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Mr Bradshaw, MR BRADSHAW

Windfarms Posted on Mon, June 02, 2014 16:45:16

Email sent
02 June 2014 08:18

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Further evidence
of HSE criminal negligence.

Alan M Dransfield

HSE report into wind turbine collapses

Windfarms Posted on Fri, May 02, 2014 18:06:32

Email sent to Ben Bradshaw MP 30 April 2014 08:02

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Please a recent HSE statement from the ref the wind turbine collapses in the SW 18 months ago. A spokesman for the Health and Safety Executive said:

“HSE’s investigation into the wind turbine collapse at a farm in Bradworthy last year revealed that the turbine collapsed due to installation errors in the foundations.

“The supplier, Endurance Wind Power, has checked its existing turbines are safe and taken measures to ensure that future installations follow its design criteria. HSE is satisfied with this action.”

The HSE may well be satisfied by such response but I am certainly not and do state, at best, this HSE response is HOGWASH…. It’s taken the HSE nearly 18 months to reach this conclusion and god knows how much public funds for their so called thorough investigation. The HSE have failed to release a copy of their full inquiry on their website.

I call upon my MP to write to the HSE asking for a copy of their full report into the 2 collapses and for the full cost incurred by the HSE.

I fervently believe the root cause for these WT failures is down to sub standard design, counterfeit material, ie anchor bolts, grout, poor construction methods and no supervision.

The two para HSE statement above hardly constitutes a full and thorough investigation and, of course, Endurance Power would make such a statement wouldn’t they!

I believe the HSE should conduct their own thorough investigations into such incidents and be able to demonstrate how they reached their conclusion NOT just rely on any old cock and bull story from the principle contractors. They must also explain in chapter and verse their findings and the full technical explanations of their finding.

God help the nation and the general public if this is SOP for all HSE investigations.

Please also ascertain from the HSE how much this particular investigation has cost the Taxpayer.

I look forward to your response on this matter

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Clearance between the public and wind turbines

Windfarms Posted on Tue, March 18, 2014 08:34:46

Email sent 31/7 2013 07.23

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Please see this photograph of a recently installed wind turbine in Leeds and I am very concerned that that the minimum safety buffer zone has not been met. If my memory serves me correctly, the buffer zone is 2km. I appreciate this is outside your remit, but I would be grateful if you would raise this matter with the appropriate oversight authority. Has the world gone bonkers by approving planning permission for these monsters without safety buffer zones?

Whilst I have your attention on wind turbines, would you please contact the HSE and ask them for a copy of the report into the two WT which collpased in January this year.

With thanks

Alan Dransfield

Will Bradshaw act? Unlikely!

Windfarms Posted on Sun, February 02, 2014 09:22:10

Email sent – 01 February 2014 07:18

Dear Mr Bradshaw

You promised me sometime ago to write to the Health and Safety Executive requesting a copy of their
report into the two collapsed wind turbines in the SW approximately one year ago.

Would you please ask them for a copy of their report, and I am at a loss to
understand why they have not published their report?

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield

Letter to Editor of Western Morning News and Express and Echo

Windfarms Posted on Sun, February 02, 2014 09:08:19


Attn The Editor of the Express and Echo and the
Western Moring News. Mr Rob Simms & Paul Goodwin

Its just over one year ago since the 2 wind turbine collapsed in the SW.
Don’t you find it just a wee bit unusual that the Health and Safety Eexecutive have not published their

I rather suspect foul play was the root cause of these failures and I am
not referring to the sabotage, which was bandied about at the time. I am
referring to serious criminal neglect of the oversight authorities including the
HSE, which allowed substandard design and construction, (allegedly) counterfeit material,
etc related to these two wind turbines which collapsed like a pack of

Don’t you also think that the two leading newspapers in the South West have
a duty of care to their readers and the community in general to follow these
stories through to a final conclusion?

It is is fairly apparent that the Devon County Council and the Cornwall
County Council don’t give a damn for the welfare and safety of the general public ref wind turbines, otherwise the HSE report would have been published
months ago and appropriate actions taken.

May I suggest you both ask the HSE why these two reports are not in the public domain.

I am disappointed and concerned that my local newspapers are turning a
blind eye to such matters. I am accustomed to such shannagins from the DCC but not from the E&E &WMN.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

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