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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Teachers carrying our risk assessments

Ben Bradshaw MP Posted on Wed, June 29, 2016 19:08:16

Email sent – 28/06/2016 19:45

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Further to my email earlier today ref the subject title.

Please see the photograph of the generic risk assessment
being used by Devon County Council on schools. It beggars belief that teachers
are conducting risk assessment on school premises.

For your information action and files

Yours sincerely

ALAN M Dransfield

This can’t be right.

Ben Bradshaw MP Posted on Sat, May 28, 2016 06:35:55

Email sent – Tue 24/05/2016 19:33

Dear Mr Bradshaw

I write to my MP seeking assistance ref the subject title.

I was expelled from an Upper
Tribunal video link hearing earlier today and debarred from acting as a
Mackenzie Friend to Mr Norman Scarth. Unfortunately, I cannot provide the Upper Tribunal Judge;s name as I wasn’t on the link long enough to ask his name. I was expelled
from the video link after only 5 mins.

This UT Judge’s conduct is not
conducive to HM Judges expectations.

I look forward to your response

with thanks

Alan M Dransfield

Maybe he is busy with media appearances

Ben Bradshaw MP Posted on Sat, May 28, 2016 06:25:53

Email sent – Wed 25/05/2016 07:26

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Polite follow up please. I appreciate you are a very busy MP
but several of the issues below are life threatening and number 7 is a direct
threat to HM The Queen and other Royals. Please also note that since I last
wrote to you on such matters, I wish to add the Supreme Court to my item #8.

I would hope you might reconsider your lifetime ban imposed
against me from attending your Friday night surgery.

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield.


Dear Mr Bradshaw

The following is a list
of outstanding issues which you have failed to address and I wonder
if you would consider meeting with me at your Friday Night Surgery to discuss
these issues in specific details please.

1.Your lifetime ban against
me attending your Friday Night Surgery.

2. Lifetime email ban against
me by the HSE/Devon Police/Police Commissioner and the Devon County Council.

3. Life threatening Issues at
the Exeter Chief’s Rugby Stadium and Bridge.

4. Life threatening issues at
the new climbing tower on the Exeter Quay, including gas shutdown valves failures, tower handrail safety and lightning protection irregularities, plus
Legionaries, Weils disease,etc.

5. Dartington Primary Schools
Health and Safety issues and fiscal irregularities.

6. Health and Safety issues
at the Six PFI schools in Exeter and fiscal irregularities.

7. Mortal danger to the realm
at the Olympic Stadium.

8. Wider conspiracy by the
Court of Appeal,Upper Tribunal, ICO to pervert the Course of Justice and to gag Joe Public.

9. Life threatening
dangers at the Olympic Stadium.

10. Lighting Protection
Irregularities at the RDE Hospital, Exeter.

11. Lightning Protection irregularities at the Met Office.

12. Lightning Protection
irregularities at the County Hall.

13. Lightning Protection irregularities at Princesshay Shopping Centre.

14. Public and Rail safety of
the Dawlish Rail Section.

15. FOIA irregularities at
the Devon County Council

16. Planning approval and
Fraud at the Exeter City Council.

17. Fiscal irregularities and
value for money failures at the DCC.

18 Lightning Protection irregularities at the new John Lewis Store in Exeter.

19. Lightning Protection irregularities at the Exeter University and College Premises.

20. Wind Turbine
irregularities and public safety in Devon.

21. Labour Party failures to
ensure Government compliance and value for money. There is no dispute
over this failure because that’s the main reason why the Labour Party got
trashed at the last general election.

22. Failure by the Devon
County Council to ensure ALL schools and public buildings are provisioned with
Lightning Risk Assessment.

23. Multi Million Pound
spending by the DCC on FOIA court cases, schools window designs, Dartington
School High court case, Employment Agreements.

24. Your Anti Wrinkle Cream

25. Life threatening dangers
at the Houses of Parliament.

26. The DCC £1/2 billion portfolio

27. Tory conspiracy to gag Joe
Public and demolition of the FOIA 2000.

28. Cycle path safety
in and around Exeter.

29. Fraud on the multimillion
pound Flood Relief Programme in Exeter.

30. Malfeasance and deception
by the EUCoHR Registrar Michele Lafferty who is debarring UK citizens right of
access to EU laws.

31. Multi Million pound compromise agreements by the Devon County County Council with former

32. Lafarge contaminated
cement on public works contracts in Devon from 2000 to 2006 and what measures if
any were put in place to safeguard against any repetitions.

33. Fraud and fiscal
irregularities at the Exeter Museum.

34. Fiscal irregularities and
H&S issues at numerous housing association premises in Exeter.

I am sure I have forgotten a
few other topics but the above list will suffice for now.

What are you going to do
about these matters, continue to ignore me and hope I will go away or shall we
wait until we need body bags before you take me seriously?

The main reason why the Labour party got a good trouncing at the last general election is because
Labour MP’s such as you have lost their moral compass and they ignore
their constituents and they have turned a willful blind eye to the art of shadow government.

I fully understand that my
main recourse will be via the ballot box but I intend to hold you responsible
for a myriad of health and safety issues, fiscal irregularities and fraud and
theft of public funds by local authorities in Exeter.

Ignore me at your peril.

Please rest assured not one single item above is vexatious.

For your information, action
and files.

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield

Meta data request

Ben Bradshaw MP Posted on Sat, May 14, 2016 07:00:43

Email sent – Sat 14/05/2016 06:40

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Under protection of the FOIA/EIR/DATA acts, I would like to
request an electronic copy of all data held which includes my name, ie Alan M Dransfield.
For clarity, I am requesting meta data held against my name.

I understand there is a £10
charge for such requests. I will send this fee when I receive contact from the

The meta data shall include all
internal/external emails and personal notes held by ICO officials.

Please do not hesitate to
contact me should you need further clarification.

I wish to confirm this
request is made in the interest of justice, well-founded and in the public
interest and is NOT, repeat NOT vexatious.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Is the Shadow Government willfully blind to this?

Ben Bradshaw MP Posted on Sun, March 20, 2016 07:24:19

Email sent- Fri 18/03/2016 06:29

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Please see the very latest vexatious decision from the
Information Commissioner’s Office, which suggests to me your comrades in the Shadow Government are eithersleeping on the job or wilfully blind.

Wakey wakey Mr B,
the Tories are trying to gag Joe Public.


Failing Devon Children, does Ben Bradshaw MP care?

Ben Bradshaw MP Posted on Wed, March 02, 2016 07:12:30

Email sent – Tue 01/03/2016 19:39

Dear Mr Bradshaw


Please see the IMPROVEMENT NOTICE issued by OFSTED to the
Devon County Council(DCC) in 2013.

My first question is what has happened between 2013 and now.

There is also the question of the Lightning Risk Assessment
at 500 DCC schools which is not included in the OFSTED report.

As you are aware, I have been raising such issues with my MP
and the education authorities for the past 6 or 7 years, but you have ignored

This OFSTED report would suggest that Dransfield FOIA
requests are not in the least bit vexatious. I really do believe the MP for
Exeter should be kicking doors down at the DCC and City Council and asking some
serious H&S Questions ref Eeucational premises in Devon inter alia.

For your information, urgent action and files

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield


I have been informed by the Exeter City Council
Environmental Health and Safety Officer that they will inspect the Haven Banks Climbing
Centre this week.

What will Ben Bradshaw MP do about this?

Ben Bradshaw MP Posted on Mon, February 29, 2016 07:31:15

Email sent – Sat 27/02/2016 09:23

Dear Mr Bradshaw

The Health and Safety Executive clearly lied to me about their remit at the
Exeter Climbing Centre. What guarantee can you give me the Devon County Council
and Exeter City Council are not committing such conflict of interests?

Yours etc

Alan M Dransfield

Health and Safety Executive – fit for purpose?

Ben Bradshaw MP Posted on Mon, February 29, 2016 07:26:41

Dear Mr Bradshaw MP

I call upon my MP to write to the appropriate Secretary
of State and call for a public inquiry into the Health and Safety Executive and the conduct of their

As you are aware the HSE informed me recently that they
can’t investigate my allegations ref Health & Safety violations at the Haven Bank
Climbing Centre in Exeter because it is a Leisure Centre and does not come
under their remit.

At best, such statements are hogwash and at worst they
are designed to obstruct justice.

No person applying a right and proper mind would say leisure centres do not come under the HSE remit.

Please see the following HSE report into Leisure Centre

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield


No wonder they imposed a lifetime email ban against me.


“Centre operator sentenced after child drowning

Date:18 July 2013

The operator of an Essex leisure centre has been ordered
to pay more than £190,000 in fines and costs after a seven year-old girl
drowned in a swimming pool.

Michelle Gellard, from East London, died after she went
swimming with a number of other children at the Blackwater Leisure Centre in
Maldon on 14 June 2008 after attending a judo competition.

Bedfordshire-based Leisure Connection Ltd, which operates
the pool, was prosecuted today (18 July) by the Health and Safety Executive
(HSE) after an investigation into the death identified serious failings with
lifeguard cover.

Chelmsford Crown Court heard there were two lifeguards on
poolside duty on the day, increasing to three lifeguards when members of the
public found Michelle at the bottom of the pool’s deep end.

One of the lifeguards retrieved Michelle from the water
with the assistance of another swimmer. Sadly, despite resuscitation attempts,
she was later pronounced dead at Colchester General Hospital.

The HSE investigation concluded that Leisure Connection
Ltd failed over a period of time to ensure that sufficient, suitably positioned
lifeguards were always on poolside duty to ensure the safety of pool users.

The court was told the company had failed to identify
that this leisure centre was not compliant with its own procedures, and that
the procedures in place at the site were inadequate.

Leisure Connection Ltd, of Potton House, Wyboston Lakes,
Great North Road, Wyboston, Bedfordshire, was fined £90,000 with costs of
£101,663 after admitting breaching Section 3(1) of the Health and Safety at
Work etc Act 1974.

After the hearing, HSE inspector Antonina Drury said:

“This tragic and untimely death should never have

“Members of the public visiting leisure centre
swimming pools have an entitlement to expect that the operator paid to run them
will deploy and train its staff so as to provide sufficient numbers of life
guards in the right places so as to operate the pool safely.

“In this case, Michelle Gellard was robbed of her
chances of rescue and survival by Leisure Connection’s failures.

“Evidence emerged in the course on the investigation
that Leisure Connection failed to identify and address the fact that the amount
of life guarding it was paying its staff to provide at Blackwater Leisure
Centre was noticeably less than the amount it knew was required for full and
safe operation of the pool.”

For further information about safety in leisure activities,

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