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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Death of worker at Olympic Stadium

Olympic Stadium Posted on Fri, July 01, 2016 19:04:09

Email sent – 30/06/2016 06:26

Attn CEO London Legacy

Dear Sir

As you are on record that the death of a worker at the
Olympic Stadium last June was not classed as on a construction site, can you please
give me an explanation of this news article:-

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield

Subcontractor died falling from the roof

Olympic Stadium Posted on Thu, December 10, 2015 15:46:03

Email sent – Wed 09/12/2015 07:07

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Earlier this year a subcontractor working for Balfour Beatty
died when he fell from the roof during his work on Sun 28th June 2015. The Health and Safety Executive declared this incident did not come under their remit because the Olympic
Stadium was not classed as a work site. The Principle Contractor is/was Balfour
Beatty and I am suspicious of any such matters on their sites.

Have the HSE gone mad and lost what little sanity they had?

Of course the Olympic Stadium IS/WAS a building site, hence,
the HSE held clear jurisdiction.

I appreciate this is outside your remit but I am unable to
contact the HSE owing to my lifetime email ban. Hence, I call upon my MP to
write to the relevant oversight authority and ask for an explanation why the
HSE appear to have been criminal negligent.

With thanks

Yours etc

Alan M Dransfield

Built on a landfill site

Olympic Stadium Posted on Mon, September 14, 2015 19:40:12

“Olympic Park Radioactive Waste Scare as Regulations Breached”.

The Olympic Stadium capacity/cost needs to be investigated

Olympic Stadium Posted on Thu, September 03, 2015 06:38:23

Email sent 2/9/15

Sports Ground Safety Authority

Dear Sirs

Please see the Newham Council Sports Stadium Safety
Certificate for the subject title and in particular I draw you attention to the crowd capacity of 35,000 in appendix 2.

It beggars belief this stadium has cost £1/2 billion and has
a capacity of a stadium built in the last century.

It is inconceivable that the Stadium will be expected to
have only 35,000 spectators at any one given time, e.g.forthcoming Rugby World
Cup and West Ham home games; hence I call upon the Sports Stadium Authority to
investigate this irregularity regarding the stadium capacity.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Cost of Olympic Stadium £580m

Olympic Stadium Posted on Thu, September 03, 2015 06:35:17

Email sent to Mayor London 02/09/15 22.56

Dear Mr Mayor

Can help thinking 1/2 billion pounds for a 35K capacity
crowd does not meet good value



Alan M Dransfield

Is it insured?

Olympic Stadium Posted on Sat, December 27, 2014 17:31:54

Email sent – 25 October 2014 06:57

Attn the CEO of West Ham Football Club

Dear Madam.

As you are aware, your stadium is proposed to be used for next year’s Rugby Cup Final and in particular 1/2 doz qualifying games.

I also understand that owing to the recent renovation of the stadium works by Balfour Beatty your sports ground will be roofless for these games.

This leads me to consider your stadium will not be provisioned with any Lightning Protection Systems (LPS) for the World Cup because the stadium was/is designed to utilise the roof material (aluminum) as the LPS Finials.

This can be verified by the approved LPS Risk Assessment for the second phase of the Olympic Stadium. Would you be so kind as to provide me with a PDF copy of your Lightning Risk Assessment please?

In the event your stadium was struck by lightning during the World Cup, I shudder to think the consequences of 75,000 spectators devoid of any Lightning Protection System. Is your public liability insurance company aware of this?

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield


I have included the Balfour Beatty National Manager for Health and Safety in my mailing list.

£580m but is it fit for purpose?

Olympic Stadium Posted on Sat, December 27, 2014 17:28:35

Email sent – 25 October 2014 06:45

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Cost of Olympic Stadium hits £580m after green light for final phase | Sport | The Guardian

Quelle surprise Balfour Beatty have overshot the budget on the subject title .
Such fiscal cock-ups are a secondary issue.

I have serious concern for public safety of the Rugby World Cup spectators using this particular stadium for 5 matches next summer.

Please see the following article which reveals Balfour Beatty intend to withdraw from this stadium which leaves the stadium roofless for the Rugby World Cup.
It would automatically follow that the stadium would not be provisioned with any Lightning Protection System.

I fully realise this is outside your remit but I wish my MP to alert the appropriate oversight authorities owing to the life threatening potential

For your information action and files

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

London Mayor informed of the dangers

Olympic Stadium Posted on Sat, December 27, 2014 16:53:24

Email sent 29 October 2014 14:39

Dear Sir

Further to my recent email ref the subject title.

Please see the following article which confirms the Stadium will be roofless for next year’s Rugby World Cup.

It would automatically follow the stadium will not be provisioned with any Lightning Protection Systems.

For your information, urgent action and files.

Alan M Dransfield.

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