Asbestos causing teacher deaths
PFI Schools Posted on Sat, July 09, 2016 08:21:29- Comments(0)
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PFI Schools in Leicester built by same construction firm as Edinburgh ones
PFI Schools Posted on Sat, July 09, 2016 08:14:54Email sent –
Leicester City Council
FOIA Department
Dear Tracey
I acknowledge and thank your for the FOIA Package for 4 PFI
schools in your district, which I received yesterday via Royal Mail. I now
request a review because I claim the information you sent me was not as per my
FOIA request.
My request was was for a copy of the AS BUILT HEALTH AND SAFETY
FILES. The information which you sent by post was for four (4) PFI
1. Judgemeadow Community College
2. Crown Hiils College
3. City of Leicester
4. Soar Valley
The information you sent me was not the As Built HSF; it was
the pre-construction HSE files which are a completely different animal altogether.
It is clear from the data which
you sent is written in the future tense ,i.e pre-,construction the documents refer to
the design shall be, the new school shall be, the classrooms shall be, the road
shall be, the roof shall be, the fire hazard plans shall be, the safety system
shall be etc. The consistent use of shall be is a clear indication the data you
sent was not the ABHSF. The dates on this data also support my claims., ie
The data on the ABHSF would be post completion
However, I do commend the
Leicester City Council for releasing this information which they considered to
be the As Built HSE files because my own public authority have refused a
similar request under section 14/1 of the FOIA -2000 vexatious exemption.
It is consistently obvious to
me the Leicester City Council are not aware of the difference between Pre
-Construction Files and As Built HSF.
The total number of pages received in the package is approx
200 pages and the package weighed about 3/4 kilos which also which is yet
another indicator that the data you sent was not the sought after data.
As Built Health and Safety Files for 4 PFI schools would
weigh in the region of 4-500 KG; hence, that is why I asked for PDF files
which are available according to the information you sent yesterday because it
refers to the BUZZASAW System.
I would also point out that the four files you sent yesterday breach the DATA 1998 because there is not
one single redaction.
The files includes personal details of personnel.
I also note that one of the
schools appears to have been built on a Landfill Sitewhich is still gassing.
Please do not hesitate to
contact me should you need further clarification between Pre-Construction data
and As Built Data.
The information you sent me confirms that Miller
Construction was the Principle Contractor for these schools. They were the same
Contractor whose PFI schools in Scotland were subject to serious H&S defect
a few weeks ago.
With thanks
Yours Sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
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Admission of safety failures
PFI Schools Posted on Sat, July 02, 2016 08:23:18- Comments(0)
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Ah, that’s why they refused the FOI requests
PFI Schools Posted on Sat, May 14, 2016 06:58:04Emai sent – Wed 11/05/2016 07:05
Dear Mr Bradshaw
Further to my earlier email, the following statement is from
the St Lukes As Built “Devon
County Council in compliance with their Statutory obligations under the
Construction (Design) and Management Regulations 1994 appointed Mowlem plc, to
act as Planning Supervisor for this project. Mowlem plc have compiled this Health
and Safety File in accordance with Regulations 14(d)-(f) and. the Approved Code
Practice, Appendix 4″
At best, this statement is BS and at
worst was designed to defraud the Ttxpayer; I suggest the latter.
The As Built HS File for the St Luke PFI school in Exeter is non
-compliant to CDM regulation and that’s the sole reason why the Devon County Council has refused my FOIA request under their Vexatious exemption.
I have every reason to believe the other 5 PFI schools are in a
similar sorry state to the 60-70 PFI schools in Scotland which have been closed
down. The difference being the oversight authorities in Scotland are taking the
issues seriously whilst the DCC top Bbass are complicit in a major fraud/scandal/cover-up.
Wakey Wakey Mr Bradshaw
Alan M Dransfield
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Wall ties at St Luke’s
PFI Schools Posted on Sat, May 14, 2016 06:53:22Email sent – Wed 11/05/2016 06:42
Dear Mr Bradshaw MP
As you are aware, you are still
waiting a reply to your safety letter from the Devon County Council ref the subject title. I
now have the As Built Health and Safety Files for the St Lukes PFI School and I
call upon my MP to meet me at your Friday night surgery to discuss this urgent
matter. As an alternative, I will provide you with a copy of the CD files which
confirms my allegations these Exeter PFI schools are unsafe and unfit for
The root cause of the Scottish PFI Schools structural failures are the cavity wall ties and the structural steel ties to masonry works.
The ABHSF for St Luke’s School makes absolutely no reference to wall ties or anything similar.
The ABHSF is also devoid of any mechanical/electrical facets
to the school.
I suggest/recommend that you call for a full independent
Health & Safety and structural examination of the 6 PFI schools in Exeter.
You are also aware of the contaminated cement/concrete used
on all 6 PFI schools which holds life threatening ramifications for the
children and staff.
For your information, action and files.
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
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St Luke’s
PFI Schools Posted on Sat, May 14, 2016 06:40:10Email sent – Thu 12/05/2016 05:54
Dear Mr Bradshaw
I have had more time to check the As Built Health and Safety
File (ABHSF) for the St Luke’s School and I can now say with confidence that
this document does not meet the Legal Requirement for Project/Contract
Documentation under Construction Design Management Regulations.
There is a legal requirement for the Principle Contractor
and Client to compile an As Built Health and Safety File a.k.a. Operation
Maintenance Manual. It is apparent the Devon County Council (Client) have failed their duty of
care ref PFI school Contract records
There are a large number of omissions from the St
Luke ABHSF, which hold life threatening ramifications for the end user.
They are:
1. Mechanical and Electrical facets have NOT been included.
2. There are no Specific Specifications for any facets of the
3. There is no Completion Certificate.
4. There is no reference to any procedural testing ,i.e.
Electrical Testing, Building Air Test, Concrete Tests, Steel Mill Test, Lightning
Protection, Legionaire’s Testing etc .
It beggars belief the electrical and mechanical facets have
been ignored.
In other words the ABHSF is a bag of old rubbish, which as been cobbled together back in 2005/06 with the
sole intent to bluff the ABHSF mandate.
In light of the breaking news
from Scotland where 40-50 PFI schools have been closed down owing to structural
defects, it’s hardly surprising if the mandatory records have been abused to the
same degree as the Exeter PFI schools.
I suspect the other 5 Exeter PFI schools are in the same dangerous state.
I call upon my MP to seek a public inquiry into the 6 PFI schools in Exeter owing to the outrageous records
maintained by the Client,i e the Devon County Council.
It is therefore hardly surprising the DCC have spent
thousands of pounds fighting Dransfield Vexatious FOIA Cases when their own
records are so shameful.
For your information, action and files.
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
Are you sure you don’t want to discuss this matter at your
Friday night surgery?
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Is Ben Bradshaw kicking down doors yet?
PFI Schools Posted on Sun, May 01, 2016 11:16:57Email sent – Sat 30/04/2016 07:35
Dear Mr Bradshaw
Please see the following article ref Scottish PFI
Have you received a reply from the Devon County Council
yet ref the 6 PFI schools in Exeter? If
not,why not? You need to be more assertive, Mr Bradshaw, and kick down the
doors at the Devon CC and demand answers. or am I being too vexatious?
Yours etc
Alan M Dransfield
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Not even safety equipment being used
PFI Schools Posted on Sun, May 01, 2016 07:14:25Email sent -Sat 23/04/2016 08:23
Dear Mr Bradshaw
It is so reassuring to see the Scottish Health & Safety authorities taking H&S issues very seriously.
Just look at this photograph of a clown standing adjacent
to a collapsed school wall without a hard hat.
Have you had a reply back from the Devon County Council
yet ref the 6 PFI schools in Exeter?
Do you feel the need to talk to me yet at your Friday night surgery?
Yours etc
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