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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Ofstead Whistleblowing Team informed

PFI Schools Posted on Sun, May 19, 2013 08:32:09

19th May 2013 08.18


Whistleblowing Team Leader Mr Paul Dye

Dear Sir

Please see the following news article ref the contaminated drinking water at all 6 PFI schools in Exeter. I consider this to be a major health and welfare violation, to which the Local Authority have turned a wilfull blind eye because they have known about such issues since the schools were commissioned 7/8 years ago.

Moreover and more importantly OFSTED have also turned a wilfully blind eye to such matters.

OFSTED’S primary role as school inspector is to ensure basic welfare needs at schools are provided. Access to safe drinking water must surely be defined as a basic need.

Based on this latest news article, I now request OFSTED to reopen or revisit my complaints ref fiduciary duty of care failing by Ofsted at the Exeter PFI Schools.

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield

(NB Local Government Ombudsman)

More evidence of abuse of power/malfeasance by the Devon County Council.

Bottled water given to pupils at all Exteter PFI schools due to contamination concerns

PFI Schools Posted on Sun, May 19, 2013 08:16:30

What dangers have the children been exposed to? How much this bottled water costing?

Scottish PFI schools – contaminated drinking water?

PFI Schools Posted on Sun, May 19, 2013 07:40:55

Apparently contaminated drinking water is a problem at other PFI schools.

Contaminated drinking water at PFI Schools

PFI Schools Posted on Sun, May 19, 2013 07:35:16

17/05/15 at 07.12 (sent by email)

Dear Mr Bradshaw MP

I call upon my MP to request a public inquiry into the contaminated drinking water, which has been apparent at Exeter PFI schools since 2004. Please also see the World Health Organisation report on heavy metals contamination in drinking water, and I draw you attention to pages 11 onwards which make reference to the long term affects of contaminated drinking water.

I also believe it behoves your office to call for a health check on the 1000+ pupils at the St Peter School who have been exposed to such dangers for 8/9 years.

No wonder the DCC are resisting my FOIA for the PFI schools Operation Maintenance Manual(OMM) with so much vigour because the OMM will prove with out a shadow doubt that criminal negligence is the root cause of this drinking water debacle inter alia.

I also call upon my MP to write to the Devon and Cornwall Police and request them to extend their fraud Investigation into all 6 PFI schools and to include numerous high ranking officers at the Devon Count Council.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

NB Richard Bailey (Information Commission Solicitor)

Please ensure this email and attachment is included in the Final Bundle for the July First Tier Tribunal hearing.

Guide to PFI in Schools

PFI Schools Posted on Sun, April 21, 2013 08:18:02

An explanation supplied to governors.

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