Email sent – 03 April 2015 19:14

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Please see the attached Project Agreement between Norfolk Property Service
(NPS) and the Devon County Council (DCC).

I am of the opinion that the attached document is not a legal document and
in breach of EU contract law. It has been pushed through under Teckal and in my
opinion is nothing but a scam and a tool to assist the passage of fraud and
theft of public funds and in particular PFI capital funds.

No wonder the DCC have placed me on a lifetime email ban and refused to
release this document under the FOIA 2000.

This Project Agreement is for a fifteen (15) year period to provide multi disciplinary property consultants. A very impressive title indeed.

However, the Project Agreement does not have any independent transparency, accountability or security and there are no fiscal ringfences.

At this juncture, Carrillion are the maintenance contractors for the Devon
Schools and NPS are the glorified architects.

The service specification runs from 1st April 07 (April Fool’s joke) to 31st Jan 08. Therefore, this contract agreement has expired.

The service agreement calls or a 5 year review from the DCC, which has not
been carried out.

This agreement refers to The Asset Management Plan which at best is a joke
and at worst, a design to deceive. The Project Asset Management Plan at the DCC
and in particular the Devon Schools is non-existent.

I call upon my MP to write to the Minister of Education and the Treasury
Minister to call for a public Iiquiry into the DCC/NPS Project Agreement as attached.

I have reason to believe this scam is active nationwide and not just
isolated to Devon.

For your urgent action and files.

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield