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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Many buildings in Devon without Lightning Protection

Lightning Protection Posted on Mon, January 12, 2015 17:58:15

Email sent – 27 August 2014 06:19

Dear Mr Bradshaw

As you are aware, there are a number of buildings and structures in Devon which have been built within the last decade which have not been provisioned with Lightning Protection Systems( LPS) as required by law and by the BS/EN62305/2008.

A reminder of just some of these premises.

1. Six PFI schools
2. Numerous new buildings at the RDE.
3. John Lewis store in Sidwell Street
4. Exeter chiefs rugby stadium and bridge.
5. Numerous bridges in Exeter and Devon.
6. New climber centre on the quay.
7. Refurbished Library
8. Southern-hay Shopping Complex

The BS/EN 62305/2006 is very clear for the Risk Assessment in Chapter2.

R1. loss of human life
R2. Loss of public service
R3 loss of cultural heritage
R4. Loss of economic value

Can you please explain to me why you have completely ignored my correspondence on LPSRA?

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield

Save the Queen Mr Bradshaw

Information Commissioner Posted on Mon, January 12, 2015 17:53:11

Cc: “John BERCOW” ; Richard
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2014 9:12 AM
Subject: National Security Issues

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Please see the following ICO decision which is now before the Upper Tribunal (tbc).
I call upon my MP to write to the appropriate authorities for the safety and security of the UK Government because I have identified a very serious defect with the lightning protection at the House of Lords, and in all probability at the House of Commons also. The House of Lords confirmed to me in writing that their Westminster Buildings have not been provisioned with any Lightning Risk Assessment (LRA) as defined in BS/EN 62035/2006.

In the absence if any LRA the end user and the general public’s safety has been compromised.

This becomes a national security issues because half of the British Government could be wiped out during a thunderstorm.

In essence, the Westminster Houses of Parliament are operating in a legal void.
It would automatically follow that the Parliament Building offers a serious threat of harm or death to HM The Queen and other members of the Royal Family, and I call upon my MP to bring this matter to the attention of the Royal
Household Security. I also suggest/ recommend this matter is directed to the Home Office Sec of State.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Mr Thorogood, that is naughty.

Information Commissioner Posted on Mon, January 12, 2015 17:49:57

From: Mark Thorogood
Date: 20 August 2014 11:48:38 BST
To: Alan M dransfield
Subject: Message deleted

Your message has been deleted without being read by me.

Mark Thorogood

Refused under the wrong section – sloppy, damned sloppy.

Information Commissioner Posted on Mon, January 12, 2015 17:44:18

To: “BRADSHAW Ben” Cc: “Richard Bailey”
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:46 AM

Subject: fs_50539606.ashx.pdf

Dear Mr Bradshaw MP

One of the latest vexatious arbitrary decisions by the ICO and PA. If this request was indeed ” burdensome” it should have been exempted under section 12 costs, not section 14/1 vexatious. They should have informed the requester to downsize his request.

Sad reflection on how vexatious decisions are being used as a first option rather than a last resort. I call upon my MP to request a public inquiry into the vexatious decision abuse by the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Interesting to note the public authority in this case is the Police Chiefs Association, who should know better. In short, this FOI decision is a flagrant abuse of section 77 of the FOIA 2000.

Hang your head in shame police chiefs.

Cheeky devils have used my case GIA/3037/2012 as a Court Authority.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Northern Ireland Windturbine collapse

Windfarms Posted on Mon, January 12, 2015 15:11:00

Email sent – 05 January 2015 08:12

Dear Mr Bradshaw MP

Please see this website for the latest information ref a Wind Turbine collapse in Northern Ireland.

Polite reminder you are awaiting a response from the Health and Safety Executive ref the three
(3) downed WT in the SW in 2013.

Can you please reassess your decision to ban me from your Friday night
surgery schedule, as I am sure you will agree there is a LOT to discuss.

Best regards


Vortex Induced Vibration

Windfarms Posted on Mon, January 12, 2015 15:00:26

Email sent – 06 January 2015 08:46

Dear Mr Bradshaw MP

I am sure you are aware another Wind Turbine collapsed a couple of days ago
in Northern Ireland. Apparently the WT collapsed in light winds.

Could it be these WTs are collapsing due to Vortex Induced Vibration
(VIV)? Please see the following article on this matter.

It’s probably a factor compounded further by too thin steel.

As we speak, I am sure the Health and Safety Executive has commenced a 12 month x £200K
investigation. Nice job if you can get one.

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Are the Actions of the National Audit Office all they should be?

Information Commissioner Posted on Mon, January 12, 2015 09:25:51

From: Alan Dransfield


Cc:, Beale, Edward ; Ben Bradshaw MP

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 4:03

Subject: Fwd:

Lord Faulkes QC

Minister of State for

102 Petty France



Dear Siru

Please see the email
correspondence from an unknown public servant to the NAO. In this letter from
the National Audit Office, it would appear the NAO official is giving the ICO a
warning or a tip off ref my allegations of fraud and theft of public funds by
the ICO.

I do not accept it is right and
proper that NAO should give pre-warning to the ICO ref allegations of fraud by
a member of the public.

This is in relation to a live
Court of Appeal case ref C3/2013/1855 Dransfield v ICO due to be heard at the
Court of Appeal on 27th or 28th Jan 2015.

It should not be difficult to
locate the the identity of the NAO official responsible for this email 21st Jan

By virtue of this email, I shall
request my MP Mr Ben Bradshaw to write to the Chief Constable of the Met Police
with a view to a criminal inquiry.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan m Dransfield

Information Commission hiding stuff. Tut, tut.

Information Commissioner Posted on Mon, January 12, 2015 09:19:13

From: Alan Dransfield

To: Ben Bradshaw MP

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 7:16


Dear Mr Bradshaw

Please see the following link for KBW Law Firm Invoices for Legal

I do not accept the need for any redactment in such cases.

There are dozens of such examples available online.

Why would the ICO need to hide the Legal Works description undertaken by a
3rd party on their behalf.

For your information, action and files.

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield