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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Fraud – will Mr Bradshaw act?

Devon County Council Posted on Sun, August 24, 2014 08:26:35

Email sent – 21 August 2014 14:52

Dear Mr Bradshaw

You are on record stating to me: ” if you have evidence
of fraud /?wrongdoing, at the DCC, please produce the evidence and I will
present it to the Devon and Cornwall Police

I now present the DCC audit for 2013/14 which is tangible
evidence of fraud.

For your information action and files.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Will anyone act?

Devon County Council Posted on Sat, August 23, 2014 08:22:23

Email sent 21 August 2014 08:31

Audit Commission
1st Floor, Fry Building
2 Marsham Street
London, SW1P 4DF

Dear Sir

I wish to report internal and external audit fraud at the Devon County Council (DCC).
In particular, the DCC have not included the public purse costs for the DCC legal fees in their legal pursuit of FOIA cases and in particular two FOIA cases Dransfield v ICO and DCC which have been subject to large costs for several years. Whether or not the DCC have included such costs for previous years I know not, but I will be going through their Fiscal Audit Reports since 2009.
My allegations are levelled at the latest audit report of period 2013/14 which I claim have been subject to serious fraud and deception, with the full knowledge of the CEO and Board of Governors.

I believe the DCC internal and external auditors are deliberately hiding these costs as part of a wider conspiracy by the DCC to pervert the course of justice.

For your information, action and files
With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Audit irregularities

Devon County Council Posted on Sat, August 23, 2014 07:49:20

Email sent – 21 August 2014 07:47

Dear Mr Bradshaw

There is evidence on the DCC records of fiscal mismanagement and auditing irregularities and I would be most grateful if you would raise this with the appropriate government authorities, or at least point me in the right direction for the appropriate oversight authorities.

In accordance with the approved audit report from the DCC for 2013/14, they did not spend one single penny on FOIA legal cases, which I do state is a false declaration.
I make this statement with confidence because the Express and Echo recently were informed that the DCC had spent £22 thousand in the last four (4) years on two of my cases alone.

This is quite clearly misrepresentation and mismanagement of fiscal audits by internal and external auditors at the Devon County Council

For your information, action and files.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Mr Bradshaw must be very busy

Devon County Council Posted on Sun, August 03, 2014 07:04:02

Email sent 03 August 2014 06:29

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Two weeks ago I sent you my complaint against the Devon County Council to the Ombudsman via
your office for your signature. Did you sign it and post it on please ?

Have you read the two Health and Safety Executive reports on the two wind turbines yet, if not why

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield


Devon County Council Posted on Mon, July 21, 2014 21:17:24

Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 6:56 AM

Subject: Hallelujah Brother Bradshaw ( BB)

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Whilst I was out
and about on my bike yesterday, I was stopped by a policeman near the Topsham
Road/Countess Weir Roundabout conducting a survey with passing cyclists and in
particular to ask how the cyclists crossed the pedestrian crossing
next to the Shell Garage. Needless to say. I replied, ” there is no
pedestrian crossing next to the shell garage.”!

I welcome the
Police survey of pedestrian/ cyclist safety at this location. I was also
informed by this policeman that the Highways Department will install tactile paving
on the junction of Topsham Road and the Blind school, starting next week.

Hallelujah to the
tactile pavings as well. It would appear
my Voice in the Wilderness HAS been heard – Hallelujah Brother Bradshaw. Ten
years too late?

By the way, you
are not setting a good example to young cyclists by not wearing a crash helmet
whilst riding your bike in and around Exeter. Don’t give me any of the old nonsense
about your desire to identify with your constituents! You won’t even recognise
me for a 30 minute slot at your weekly surgery.

Whilst I welcome the police survey at this roundabout, I believe a survey at
14/00 hrs on a Sunday does not reflect a true picture of the real dangers
at the Countess Weir Roundabout, and I suggest they need to survey this location
on a weekday ? 08/45 hrs.

For your
information, action and files

Alan M Dransfield

£250k payout

Devon County Council Posted on Thu, July 17, 2014 18:24:26

What are MPs for exactly?

Devon County Council Posted on Fri, July 11, 2014 18:17:51

Email sent – 11 July 2014 06:48

Dear Mr Bradshaw

As you are aware,
you have categorically refused to meet me at your weekly surgery to
discuss the health and safety issues which I have brought to your attention
over the last few years.

One of the keys to restoring faith
in democracy is ensuring that the MPs we elect are held to account for what
they do on our behalf.

Notwithstanding the veracity of my
allegations against the Devon County Council and the HSE, inter alia, the gravity of my
complaints behoves my MP to investigate such matters.

Once again I wish to make an appointment at your weekly
surgery to discuss several H&S issues in Exeter and failures of the DCC.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Exeter Library

Devon County Council Posted on Thu, July 10, 2014 18:40:49

10 July 2014 11:32

Dear MrBradshaw

I recently received confirmation from the DCC that the glazing at the new
library was compliant with the national Standards for Glazing Safety.

I write this email inside the library and I can assure you the glazing at
the refurbished library is NOT compliant with Glazing Safety Standards.

I would be grateful if you would write to the DCC and ask them why they
are disseminating false and misleading Information ref the library

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

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