Upper Tier Tribunal decides questions about Lockerbie are “vexatious”.
Information Commissioner, Vexatious Posted on Sat, December 14, 2019 08:09:05- Comments(1) https://blog.olliesemporium.co.uk/?p=781
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Imminent changes to vexatious exemptions?
Information Commissioner, Vexatious Posted on Sun, October 27, 2019 11:16:06- Comments(0) https://blog.olliesemporium.co.uk/?p=768
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Human rights abuses by the UK Information Commissioner
Information Commissioner, Vexatious Posted on Sun, October 27, 2019 08:07:53Joint
Committee on Human Rights
Houses of Parliament
Dear Sirs
I wish to report serious and consistent breaches of article 10 of Human Rights Act by the Information Commissioner (IC) in the manner they are using section 14/1 of the FOIA 2000.
I contend the ICO and the Justice Department are failing their fiduciary duty of care to ensure VEXATIOUS has been given full legal definition of the word. At this juncture, the ICO and tribunals are relying upon the Dransfield Vexatious Court Precedent (DVCP)(2015)EWCA Civ 454 14th May 2015 which infringes article 10 of the Human Rights Act. Moreover, the ICO have used the DVCP over 10,000 times since the Upper Tribunal decision UKUT 440 (AAC) in Jan 2013. Most, if not all Government departments are also breaching article 10 of the HRA when they rely upon the DVCP.
I respectfully call upon the UK Joint Committee on Human Rights to investigate my allegations please.
with thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
FOIA Campaigner and Social Watchdog
- Comments(0) https://blog.olliesemporium.co.uk/?p=766
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The ICO add shackles to Vexatious Dransfield
Vexatious Posted on Wed, October 02, 2019 21:17:43- Comments(0) https://blog.olliesemporium.co.uk/?p=748
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Supreme Court Dransfield decision
Vexatious Posted on Sat, September 28, 2019 18:08:39- Comments(4) https://blog.olliesemporium.co.uk/?p=744
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‘Vexatious’ can not be defined contextually as ‘manifestly unreasonable’
Vexatious Posted on Sun, April 07, 2019 18:18:32In Stocker v Stocker (SvS) dated 3rd April 2019 v the
Supreme Court (SC) concluded, inter alia, that lower court judges unlawfully
fettered their reasoning when relying on an external definition, absent
context, upon which their judgement turned, especially when the contentious
issue was proven to be true.
Using the same rationale put by the SC in S v S, it must
follow that the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court misdirected itself and erred
in law when deciding Dransfield (2015 EWCA /454 Civ because
not only can ‘vexatious’ not be defined contextually as ‘manifestly
unreasonable’, but it has been subsequently proved that the issue of
vexatiousness never existed in the first place, within Dransfield,
and also that disclosure of the information sought was proved not to be
manifestly unreasonable.
Therefore, both logic and justice dictate that the SC
voluntarily revisit Dransfield and strike out all lower court
decisions blocking Dransfield’s access to information that has now been
freely placed in the public domain on the grounds that publication is justified
not least on grounds of health and safety, as originally stated by
Dransfield in his FoIA request.
- Comments(0) https://blog.olliesemporium.co.uk/?p=683
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Vexatious on the whim of any passing lunatic
Vexatious Posted on Thu, February 07, 2019 19:33:40https://ico.org.uk/media/action-weve-taken/decision-notices/2017/2013939/fs50610253.pdf
“83. The term “vexatious” is not defined in the FOIA. The Upper Tribunal (UT) considered the issue of vexatious requests in the Information Commissioner v Devon CC & Dransfield (UKUT 440 (AAC), 28 January 2013).1 The UT commented that “vexatious” could be defined as the “manifestly unjustified, inappropriate or improper use of a formal procedure”. This definition clearly establishes that the concepts of proportionality and justification are relevant to any consideration of whether a request is vexatious.”
- Comments(0) https://blog.olliesemporium.co.uk/?p=680
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Carillion and the 6 PFI schools – not vexatious at all
Vexatious Posted on Thu, August 23, 2018 19:16:11Email sent – 23/08/2018 18:53
Attn The President of the Upper Tribunal Mr Justice
Dear Sir
In light of last nights documentary on the Channel 4 Dispatches programme ref the Carillion Collapse (CC), I
ask the UT President to revisit his earlier decision that Judge Wikely had
acted within the law ref Case
GIA/3037/2011 Dransfield v ICO. I reiterate Judge Wikely was complicit with the
ICO to pervert the course of justice ref the Dransfield Vexatious Court Precedence.
In mid 2016 my appeal to the UT relating to 6 PFI schools
in Exeter was rejected based on the Court of Appeal C3/1855/2015. Moreover and
more importantly the Dispatches programme supports my claims the 6 PFI school in
Exeter were/are substandard and unsafe. It also supports my allegation that you
have acted unlawfully by not taking my allegation against Judge Wikely
seriously. In essence, you have been complicit with Judge Wikely and the ICO to
cover up serious crimes and to circumvent the ICO.
Revisit your decision
ref my complaints against Judge Wikely ref GIA/3037/2011.
Revist the UT
decision to dismiss my appeal to the UT.
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
- Comments(0) https://blog.olliesemporium.co.uk/?p=673
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