Radio inverview with vexatious Mr Dransfield
Vexatious Posted on Sun, January 22, 2017 09:26:36- Comments(0)
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Miss Denham, ICO, get a grip girl
Vexatious Posted on Sun, January 22, 2017 08:31:52 Email sent – Sun 22/01/2017 06:56
Information Commissioner’s Office
Dear Mr Bailey
Please see the ICO website page ref the ICO Decsion Notices
(DN) which claims the ICO total DN’s is only 4845.
As I am a regular visitor to this particular website; I
recall the total DN’s to be in the region of 10K plus.
Please confirm the total number
of DN’s is only 4845.
I find this figure hard to believe because there are approx
6000 DN’s on record that are either Vexatious or Manifestly Unreasonable.
According to these figures the ICO are handing down 403
Decision Notices per year which does not Justify either your staffing levels or
your fiscal budget.
If this is not a genuine
typo error with regard to the total number of DN’s, then is the ICO massaging their DN Notice totals for whatever reason?
For you information action and
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
PS I note the ICO is still non compliant with statutory
regulations for Register of Interest Details.
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Untrained ICO Solicitors
Vexatious Posted on Sun, January 22, 2017 08:22:30Email sent – Sat 21/01/2017 06:10
Ms Elizabeth Denham. Information
Dear Madam
May I suggest you either arrange further night school
training for your ICO solicitors or have them replaced with experienced solicitors. I say this with the greatest of confidence because it would appear
your legal staff are not aware of common law or stare decisis.
The ICO are handing down Decision Notices(DN) without legal precedents, which is clearly against their own policies and procedures and
clearly against the doctrine of Common Law and Stare Decisis. I have taken the
liberty in sending you some assistance and advice on these matters and I would
be grateful if you could ensure the ICO Solicitors are duly briefed with
it’s use and legal requirements.
In particular, the ICO should decease and desist from
handing down further Vexatious Exemption Decisions which are devoid of any legal precedents as is the case with the recent 4 decisions to North East
Lincolnshire and one to Morecambe Bay Hospital on the 11th and 12th of
Jan 2017.
For the last 4 years you have
used the GIA/3037/2011 Dransfield Vexatious Court Precedence, whilst
knowingly and wilfully turning a blind eye to the fact the GIA/3037 case was in
fact a rogue vexatious decision from a rogue Judge, ie Judge Nicholas
Wikley from the Upper Tribunal.
However, it would appear the
ICO has recently suspended the use of the Dransfield Vexatious Court Authority
and are now handing down decision notices which are devoid of any court precedence period. THIS IS AN UNLAWFUL
Suggestions and
1. Decease and desist from issuing any further Vexatious
Decision until an alternative Vexatious Decision is established .
2. Withdraw the 38 page vexatious guidelines which is now obsolete owing to the consistent reference to the GIA /3037/2011 Dransfield
3. Revoke all the Vexatious Decision Notices under the
Dransfield Vexatious Court Precedents and all the manifestly unreasonable Decision Notices. Approx 6000 decisions on these two exemptions need to be
4. Your position of Information Commissioner is now untenable
and you should resign immediately owing to all these Vexatious shenanigans
5. I am copying this letter to my MP Ben Bradshaw with a
request for him to call for a Public Inquiry into this Vexatious hogwash
and to also call for a parallel criminal investigation into your conduct
and that of your predecessor Mr Christopher Graham/Richard Bailey/Paul
Arnold/Steven Dickinson and Uncle Tom Cobbley and all.
6. My previous offer to meet you and your staff personally
and sort out this mess is now withdrawn owing to the gravity of my allegations.
For your information action and files
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
FOIA Campaigner and Social Watchdog
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