Email sent – Fri 20/01/2017 11:41

Information Commissioner’s

Dear Sir

Under the protection of
the FOIA 2000 please provide me with the following information related to
the current legal stance ref the Vexatious court precedence.

The reason I ask this question
is because between Jan 2013 to 12th Jan 2017 the
GIA/3037/2011 Dransfield V ICO has been used by the ICO as the UK’s Court
Precedence. However, since 12th Jan 2017, Five (5) Vexatious decisions
have been upheld by the ICO which does not rely on the Dransfield Court
Authority or indeed does not rely on any Court Authority .Please provide PDF
copies of:

1. Minutes to any ICO internal meetings to discuss the
removal of the Dransfield Vexatious Court Precedence.

2. Who at the ICO or Ministry of Justice took the decision
to cease and desist from using the Dransfield Court Precedence?

3. Copies of any internal memo, email etc which discuss the
discontinuation of the Dransfield Vexatious Court Authority.

4. Copies of all correspondence between the Information
Commissioner’s Office and any oversight authority on this topic.

5 .Please confirm that the ICO does not intend to use the
Dransfield Vexatious GIA/3037/2011 Dransfield v ICO ever again and the full
reasons why not.

I think it is safe to say this
is my first FOI request on this particular topic and it is politely written and
in the public interest and of serious purposes, therefore should not be
construed as vexatious but even if you did, I doubt you would use the
Dransfield GIA/3037 as a support tool. Oh what a web we weave when we set out
to deceive.

For your information action and files

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

For your information action and files

With thanks