Email sent – 13/02/2016 07:30

Attn the Information Commissioner

Dear Mr Graham

It would appear to me that the Information Commissioners Office and you in particular are
protecting Paedophiles.

I refer to the attached ICO decision dated Aug 2014. I bring
particular attention to para 12 & 13 to your attention where the ICO have
used my name to protect Jimmy Saville.

You recently informed Lord Burns that if FOIA requests
were “heavily redacted”you would envisage the PA to be hiding

Please see para 12 of the attached ICO decision; in which
the the Deputy IC Graham Smith claims there is “NO PUBLIC INTEREST TEST IN

No person applying a right and proper mind could make such a
statement, so we must assume the ICO were applying a perverse mindset in the
attached decision.

The attached decision notice by the Deputy IC Graham Smith
FS50526275 dated 11-802014 is a clear indication the ICO are protecting paedophiles.

I strongly object to my name being used in the same
paragraph as that scumbag Jimmy Savill,e and I sugest you are using Vexatious
Exemptions under the guise of Dransfield to protect pedophile nationwide.

For your information action and files.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan Dransfield