To: “BRADSHAW Ben” Cc: “Richard Bailey”
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:46 AM
Subject: fs_50539606.ashx.pdf
Dear Mr Bradshaw MP
One of the latest vexatious arbitrary decisions by the ICO and PA. If this request was indeed ” burdensome” it should have been exempted under section 12 costs, not section 14/1 vexatious. They should have informed the requester to downsize his request.
Sad reflection on how vexatious decisions are being used as a first option rather than a last resort. I call upon my MP to request a public inquiry into the vexatious decision abuse by the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Interesting to note the public authority in this case is the Police Chiefs Association, who should know better. In short, this FOI decision is a flagrant abuse of section 77 of the FOIA 2000.
Hang your head in shame police chiefs.
Cheeky devils have used my case GIA/3037/2012 as a Court Authority.
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield