Email sent – 27 August 2014 06:19
Dear Mr Bradshaw
As you are aware, there are a number of buildings and structures in Devon which have been built within the last decade which have not been provisioned with Lightning Protection Systems( LPS) as required by law and by the BS/EN62305/2008.
A reminder of just some of these premises.
1. Six PFI schools
2. Numerous new buildings at the RDE.
3. John Lewis store in Sidwell Street
4. Exeter chiefs rugby stadium and bridge.
5. Numerous bridges in Exeter and Devon.
6. New climber centre on the quay.
7. Refurbished Library
8. Southern-hay Shopping Complex
The BS/EN 62305/2006 is very clear for the Risk Assessment in Chapter2.
R1. loss of human life
R2. Loss of public service
R3 loss of cultural heritage
R4. Loss of economic value
Can you please explain to me why you have completely ignored my correspondence on LPSRA?
With thanks
Alan M Dransfield