Email sent – 28 October 2014 16:00

Mr Ed Bealle

Parliamentary Justice Select Committee.


Dear Sir

One question which must be asked of the ICO by your Justice Select committee is the subject title.

The answer must surely be a resounding No.

Please see the following passage from the ICO website.

“About the ICO

The ICO’s mission is to uphold information rights in the public

interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for


The ICO is the UK’s independent public authority set up to uphold information

rights. We do this by promoting good practice, ruling on complaints providing

information to individuals and organisations and taking appropriate action

where the law is broken.

The ICO enforces and oversees the Freedom of Information Act, the

Environmental Information Regulations, the Data Protection Act and the

Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations.”

This statement by the ICO is at best hogwash and at worst a tool to designed to assist the passage of fraud – I suggest the latter.

The mission statement by the ICO crashes on take off because perusal of the ICO decsion notices website would confirm that 90% of the ICO decision notices have gone in favour of the public authority and not the complainant.

It is also consistently obvious the ICO have no independence whatsoever, because they investigate cases against themselves.

Yours in disgust
