Email sent – 25 October 2014 06:57
Attn the CEO of West Ham Football Club
Dear Madam.
As you are aware, your stadium is proposed to be used for next year’s Rugby Cup Final and in particular 1/2 doz qualifying games.
I also understand that owing to the recent renovation of the stadium works by Balfour Beatty your sports ground will be roofless for these games.
This leads me to consider your stadium will not be provisioned with any Lightning Protection Systems (LPS) for the World Cup because the stadium was/is designed to utilise the roof material (aluminum) as the LPS Finials.
This can be verified by the approved LPS Risk Assessment for the second phase of the Olympic Stadium. Would you be so kind as to provide me with a PDF copy of your Lightning Risk Assessment please?
In the event your stadium was struck by lightning during the World Cup, I shudder to think the consequences of 75,000 spectators devoid of any Lightning Protection System. Is your public liability insurance company aware of this?
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
I have included the Balfour Beatty National Manager for Health and Safety in my mailing list.