Email sent – 25 October 2014 06:45
Dear Mr Bradshaw
Cost of Olympic Stadium hits £580m after green light for final phase | Sport | The Guardian
Quelle surprise Balfour Beatty have overshot the budget on the subject title .
Such fiscal cock-ups are a secondary issue.
I have serious concern for public safety of the Rugby World Cup spectators using this particular stadium for 5 matches next summer.
Please see the following article which reveals Balfour Beatty intend to withdraw from this stadium which leaves the stadium roofless for the Rugby World Cup.
It would automatically follow that the stadium would not be provisioned with any Lightning Protection System.
I fully realise this is outside your remit but I wish my MP to alert the appropriate oversight authorities owing to the life threatening potential
For your information action and files
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield