Email sent 18 May 2014 06:30

Attn Rt Hon Mr
Christopher Grayling MP

Lord Chancellor
and Secretary of State for Justice

Dear Mr Grayling

Please see my
following letter dated 21st Mar 14 addressed to your colleague Mr Simon Hughes (please see posting below) .
Notwithstanding the merits of my allegations, the gravity of my assertions, it behoves Mr Hughes to acknowledge my letter. Ditto for common

It is demonstrably
evident that the ICO are in complete meltdown and Mr Christopher Graham, the Information
Commissioner, might well appear to be above the law in the manner the ICO are handing
down vexatious decisions (VD) on a whim.

Enough is enough,
and this VD nonsense must stop now and the buck stops at your desk.

For your
information and immediate action please.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield