Attn Mr Chris Grayling. Secretary of State for Justice

Dear Sir

I wish to point out a situation with the ICO /FTT and Upper Tribunal Courts where a considerable sum of Money could be saved from the Public Purse in relations to FOIA Costs.

At this Juncture, is not standard operating procedure for the ICO/FTT & UT to request a copy of the sought-after information via a closed bundle when disputes become active, i.e. appeals to the ICO from public authority decisions.

If closed bundles became obligatory at ICO caseworker level, there would be a considerable cost saving to the public purse. I have two FOIA cases which have been running for 4 years without any requests for closed bundles. In particular, I refer to GIA/3037/2011 and EA2010/0152 – the former now before the Court of Appeal.

I also have another FOIA case against the ICO and the Olympic Delivery Authority in which the FTT Registrar has requested a closed bundle of the sought after data from day one.

I am but a mere layman but I feel if closed bundle became SOP to at least the ICO caseworker or ICO Solicitor level, a quicker resolution could be reached thus saving millions of pounds of public funds.

In such austere times, I believe any proposal to save public funds should be investigated. I believe my proposals would save millions of pounds of taxpayers money and Free up HM Courts on FOIA Cases.

For your information action and files

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfieldf