Email sent to Ben Bradshaw MP March 14, 2014 7:04 AM
Dear Mr Bradshaw
Please see my complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office which is self explanatory. The ICO has not even acknowledged this letter, which reflects their typically cavalier attitude towards the Rule of Law.
I now turn to my MP and request you to elevate this matter to Chris Grayling, the Minister of Justice.
It is evident to me the ICO has not only consistently failed their Mission Statement to uphold the HM Statutory FOIA 2000 & 2012, they have flagrantly abused the FOI Act 2000 in bad faith to pervert the course of justice.
In light of the recent FOIA Case decision in the Court of Appeal yesterday ref HM Prince of Wales and the ongoing phone hacking debacle, I call upon my MP to act on these allegations of bad law and bad faith by the ICO and HM Courts.
There is prima facie evidence in the public domain that the ICO has flagrantly abused section 14 (Vexatious Exemptions) nearly two hundred (200) times since Jan 2013. In particular, I refer to GIA/30337/2011 Dransfield v ICO & Devon County Council. Not only have they abused their powers of office and failed their own mission statement, they have been part of a wider conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and in particular section 77 of the FOIA 2000.
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield