Email sent March 16, 2014 8:46 AM
Lightning Protection Dangers at the Exeter Chief Rugby Stadium
Dear Mr Bradshaw
As you are aware, I am on record with you ref my fears and concerns for public safety at both the Rugby Stadium and the Rugby Pedestrian Bridge. In particular, I refer to the Lightning Protection Systems (LPS).
It is a proven fact the Rugby Pedestrian Bridge has been operating in a legal void for 7/8 since it was commissioned owing to the LPS failures, which are well- documented in the As Built Health and Safety Files, which you have a copy and this matter is now before the Court of Appeal.
I now turn to the LPS safety or the lack of safety related to the Exeter Chief Rugby Stadium itself.
The Rugby Stadium owners and the DCC are on record that the stadium is compliant with the Lightning Protection Regulation and they have a certificate from Redpath Buchanan claiming full compliance…..
…..I note the extension works at the Exeter Chiefs has just started and it would appear to me the new stadium works will exacerbate the current LPS dangers.
I am deeply concerned that dozens/hundreds of people could be seriously injured or killed at the Rugby Stadium and the Bridge, and I call upon my MP to write to the appropriate oversight for sports stadium safety authority to inspect the LPS on both structures, bridge and stadium.
I am more than willing to accompany you and other authorities around the stadium to discuss my fears and allegations.
I reiterate that the Stadium and the Pedestrian Bridge are non-compliant to the BS/EN 62305/2008 regulations.
No person applying a right and proper mind can say the Bridge or the Stadium is compliant to the aforementioned standards.
I look forward to your response.
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield