Email sent – Sunday, February 02, 2014 4:00 AM


Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter comes to the DCC Financial Secretary via the DCC Chairman
Councillor Bernard Hughes owing to my lifetime email ban by the DCC.

Under the ACA 1998, section 14.15.16, I wish to ask questions about the
audit reports for the last five years. In particular the DCC audit reports do
not include the DCC Costings of the PFI Schools and they do not include the legal costs of the DCC FOIA Department and in particular a 6 figure sum costs
for the DCC defence of several FOIA disputes between the DCC and Alan M
Dransfield. The legal costs incurred to the DCC must be £100K plus over the
last 5 years.

Moreover and more importantly, the DCC Auditors have not recognised that the
DCC have failed to implement or approve an Asset Management Plan (AMP ) for any
of the the 6 PFI schools. In the event the AMP has not been approved, it would
automatically follow that any subsequent audit of the DCC books would be a sham,
a.k.a. AUDIT FRAUD..

In actual fact, last years audit report clearly states that the DCC
“DERECOGNISE” the Exeter Schools Finances.

Could this be the underlying reason the West Exe College Headmaster was
able to write his own Salary Cheques for the last 5/6 years?

It would therefore appear to me that the DCC Auditors have failed their
duty of Care to audit the DCC Books with particular emphasis on the Local
Education Department and the DCC Legal Department.

I do not accept that the DCC can spend thousands of pounds fighting FOIA
Cases, when it would be far cheaper to hand over the sought after

In the first instance, I would like to make an appointment to visit the DCC
Offices with a view to examining your fiscal records please.

Please also consider this letter as a FOIA request for the DCC to provide
a complete breakdown of the legal costs incurred to date on

1. GIA/3037/2011 currently before the Court of Appeal.

2. EA//2010/0152 currently before the FTT 6th retrial.

Cost breakdown to include:-

A. All Legal Costs

B..All travel and accommodation Costs.

C. All costs incurred to date on Steve Sitch’s Employment Tribunal Costs
and final settlement.

D. All costs incurred to the Richard Buzzacott’s Resignation

E. Final Compensation Package for the former CEO Mr Philip Norrey..

There are similarities to be drawn here with the fiscal irregularities at
the Carmarthen County Council currently in the national spotlight.

For your information, action and files

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield