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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Questions about a death in police custody – vexatious.

Information Commissioner, Uncategorised Posted on Mon, March 02, 2020 19:47:22

Julian Assange -questions are vexatious.

Uncategorised Posted on Sun, February 23, 2020 17:08:11

Paragraph 83:

  1. “The term “vexatious” is not defined in the FOIA. The Upper Tribunal (UT) considered the issue of vexatious requests in the Information Commissioner v Devon CC & Dransfield (UKUT 440 (AAC), 28 January 2013).1 The UT commented that “vexatious” could be defined as the “manifestly unjustified, inappropriate or improper use of a formal procedure”. This definition clearly establishes that the concepts of proportionality and justification are relevant to any consideration of whether a request is vexatious. “

Another iffy decision from Denham

Uncategorised Posted on Mon, February 10, 2020 16:37:50

Mr Sowerbutts, what are you up to?

Vexatious Posted on Mon, January 06, 2020 19:21:55


c.c Elizabeth Denham, Richard Bailey

Sun 05/01/2020 13:07

First Tier Tribunal

Dear Sirs

Polite follow up please to subject title as I am awaiting leave to appeal from the FTT to the UT.

As you are aware I am on record claiming egregious conduct maladministration  by the FTT  Registrar in this case. I would like to remind you that the ICO are applying a blanket vexatious exemption on ALL my requests. They are on record from their Mr Adam Sowerbutts that ALL my FOIA requests  will  be treated under section 14/1 and sect 50(2)(c) whatever the subject which is a major breach if my civil, legal and human rights and the FOI 2000

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

FOIA Campaigner and Social Watchdog

Nicky Morgan to the House of Lords

Vexatious Posted on Mon, January 06, 2020 19:16:03

On Sun, Jan 5, 2020 at 10:38 AM alan dransfield <> wrote:

Rt Hon Boris Johnson

The Prime Minister

Dear Sir

I believe you have just elevated Nicky Morgan to the House of Lords because she is holding a gun to your head  regarding the Egregious Conduct and Maladministration by Elizabeth Denham at the ICO.  Nicky Morgan Sec of State for the Digital Culture Media and Sport has turned a wilful blind eye to thousands of vexatious refusals in which the Dransfield Vexatious Court Precedent has been used. Indeed you used the Dransfield Court Precedent  during your tenure at the Foreign Office, ditto for Theresa May whilst she was Home Secretary and PM, ditto for Michaels Gove whilst SoS for Ministry of Justice. All of your Government Departments are currently using the Dransfield Vexatious Precedent (DVP) and your DExEU were prolific users of the DVP.

I call upon the PM Office to call for a Public Inquiry into the Dransfield Vexatious Court Precedent which is being used on a daily basis to cover up serious and heinous crimes. This can be verified by a simple ocular inspection of the Court of Appeal decision by the Court of Appeal (2015) EWCA Civ 454 Dransfield v ICO. In particular para 68 clearly supports my allegations of egregious conduct and maladministration. At this juncture the Dransfield Vexatious BS is the Tory party silver bullet to cover up.

serious and henious  crimes, paedophillia, fraud and theft of public funds etc.

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

FOIA Campaigner and Social Watchdog. 

Public Authority using this rubbish decision for their own ends

Vexatious Posted on Mon, December 16, 2019 19:35:20

Further proof that PA’s nationwide are using the Dransfield vexatious decision to withhold data. See para 18 of this decision.

A new low for the ICO?

Information Commissioner Posted on Thu, December 05, 2019 10:59:26

Information Commissioners Office

To Elizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner


Dear Madam

There is compelling evidence that you and your office have acted in concert to pervert the course of justice and to hide infant deaths at Shrewsbury Hospital. Please see the attached ICO decision which relies on section 40 (personal data). It was not personal data that this FOIA requester was seeking, it was a total number of deaths not the ID of the infants. This ICO decision clearly supports my claims of egregious conduct by the ICO and Shrewsbury Health Trust

Yours etc

Alan M Dransfield

FOIA Campaigner and Social Watchdog

Imminent changes to vexatious exemptions?

Information Commissioner, Vexatious Posted on Sun, October 27, 2019 11:16:06

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