Email sent to
12/03/2020 16:41
First Tier Tribunal
Dear Sirs
I wish to seek legal redress against the ICO, whom, have breached my data and human rights under the GDPR 2018. My name, Alan Dransfield which has been unlawfully published in the ICO decision notice 25 times. The ICO never publish the name of the complainant and they know or should know they should not publish my name either.
I call upon the GRC to instruct the ICO to remove my name from their database and I do also believe the GRC can enforce a compensation figure for the unlawful publishingof my name. I also ask the GRC to find the ICO in contempt of Court. I really do not believe it is necessary for me to submit an application form to the GRC as the following ICO holds compelling evidence that the ICO have breached the GDPR.
with thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
FOIA and Social Watchdog.