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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Another iffy decision from Denham

Uncategorised Posted on Mon, February 10, 2020 16:37:50

Alan Dransfield speaks

Uncategorised Posted on Mon, December 16, 2019 19:42:33

Why the Silence?

Robert Pickthall RIP, Uncategorised Posted on Sat, December 14, 2019 08:28:54

Dear Sirs

I am on record that the Chief Constable Paul Crowther has failed his fiduciary  duty of care in connection with the suicide of Mr Robert A Pickthall at Acton Bridge Station Cheshire on the 31st July this year. I am an interested party in this case  but have not been kept informed as promised by the BTP. Quite frankly, I believe the CC Crowther has not taken this suicide death seriously.


Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Why the secrecy from British Transport Police?

Uncategorised Posted on Thu, December 05, 2019 10:52:36

Paul Crowther Chief Constable

British Transport Police


Dear Sir

It is exactly four months since the  suicide of Mr Robert Pickthall and you have failed to publish any details of this specific death. I am sure the general public would like to see how, why, when Mr Robert Pickthall died on Network Rail premises. I fervently believe you are guilty of egregious conduct in the manner you have investigated this specific death. I have been advised by your staff that I am a key person and would be kept informed which has NOT happened. I was advised 8 weeks ago that the British Transport Police “re-investigated” this death. Are you in a position to define the re-investigation?

I have also been advised by one of your subordinate  staff  that you have not failed your duty of care directly and actions of your staff cannot be held accountable by your good self. My response to that is hogwash; you are the Chief Constable of the BTP and the actions and inaction of your officers are indeed the direct responsibility of the Chief Constable. If your officers have ignored the general public’s concerns that foul play is the root cause of Robert Pickthall’s death, then you are responsible for your officers.

One thing is for sure Robert Pickthall did not jump under the Euston Flyer and the BTP and you in particular have failed your fiduciary duty of care.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

FOI Requester and Social Watchdog

Is Elizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner, guilty of egregious conduct?

Information Commissioner, Uncategorised Posted on Sun, October 27, 2019 07:57:00

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