Not only do we have ambiguity on VEXATIOUS, we now have similar rubbish on DECISION definition
Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, October 06, 2019 15:13:52- Comments(0)
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FOIA request of Elizabeth Denham. Will she bother to respond?
Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, September 15, 2019 15:50:59Sun 15/09/2019 10:16
Information Commissioner
elizabeth.denham;; Richard Bailey; Richard Bailey
Dear Madam
Under protection of the FOIA 2018 please provide me with the following information ref the subject title:
1. Total government funding for DATA Protection.
2. Funds spent on GDPR specific case between May18 and May 2019.
3. At this juncture the ICO have not taken a single complaint and used their enforcement powers to assist any DATA Complainant. Why is this?
4. How many ICO officials are working directly on GDRP cases?
I fully understand that I do not need to provide you with my motive for this or any FOI request. However, in the interest of clarity and probity the ICO are not assisting the general public whose data rights are being infringed other than advise the complaint to seek a Judicial Review. Why should Joe Public be cost impacted of a Judicial Review when the ICO are the oversight Authority of the GDPR 2018?
The ICO are not backward coming forward to issue fine on the Huge PLC like Facebook and Virgin etc, but the ICO do not appear to be remotely interested in the average Joe Blogs who data rights have been infringed by a public authority.
with thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
FOI Campaigner and Social Watchdog
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Section 50
Information Commissioner Posted on Mon, September 02, 2019 20:19:12This letter confirms the ICO are applying a vexatious blanket against Dransfield, irrespective of who the public authority is.
They are now applying section 50(2)(c) against him.

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11 KBW and Facebook
Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, July 21, 2019 18:40:17From: alan dransfield []
Sent: 11 July 2019 11:49
To: elizabeth.denham; <>
Subject: Fwd: Panopticon: The Facebook Appeal and Procedural Grounds
Elizabeth Denham
Information Commissioner
Please see this article ref the ICO and Facebook. In
particular, scroll down to the list ofQC’s who represented the ICO and Facebook, all of which work for 11KBW. Are you aware of this irregularity? Is
this not conflict of interest?
As you are aware I had a FOIA request on this topic
refused under Section 14/1 and section 50 (2) (c) about 12 months ago.
May I take this opportunity to submit a FOIA request
seeking copies of all 11 KBW invoices for legal service to the ICO
for this particular case please? I do concede this may well appear to be a
repeated request, but in the event of a serious legal irregularity,
I suggest my FOIA request is benign, politely written, in the
interest of the general public and serious purpose and, therefore, should not be
deemed vexatious or frivolous under either section 14/1 or 50 (2) (C) of the
FOIA 2000.
As you are well aware, the ICO has advised me before via
your Mr Adam Sowerbutt that all future FOI requests from me will be treated as
vexatious or frivolous without due process. Could this be the main reason
why 99% of UK QC’s are self Employed as a legal loopholes to circumvent conflict of interest regulations?
With thanks
Alan M Dransfield.
FOI Campaigner and Social Watchdog
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Very strange decision from ICO who now claim (wrongly) to protect Dransfield’s best interests
Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, July 21, 2019 18:33:57- Comments(2)
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Should the ICO really be doing this?
Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, July 21, 2019 18:29:35This
is the ICO Flowchart which is available at their website.
I do not accept it is the role of the ICO to train public
authorities how to deal with FOIA complaints. How much did this flow chart cost
the taxpayer? How much did the 48 page Vexatious Guidelines cost the taxpayers.
It appears to me the ICO is coaching these rogue public authorities how to body-swerve
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PM in charge of FOI
Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, February 10, 2019 13:43:21- Comments(2)
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