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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Inefficiencies at the ICO

Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, February 02, 2014 10:15:01

To: Richard Bailey


Friday, January 31, 2014 3:58

Subject: EA/2010/0152 Dransfield v ICO
&DCC Paperless Office

Dear Mr Bailey

Further to my earlier email please see the attached guidelines for a paperless office. There are a myriad of benefits of a paperless office.

1.Better record keeping.

2.Environmentally Friendly

3.Less space required to store mountains of hard xopy papers which is a hugh fire risk.

4.Quicker access for the general public and ICO and court staff.

5.More efficient records for the ICO

6.More effective for audit control

7.More effective for case costing and auditing.

8.Less staff required

9.Quicker access for HM Tribunals.

10.More conducive to ISO 9000 and ISO 14000

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that the ICO couldn’t run a paperless office from Initial FOIA Request thru’ to Upper Tribunal and beyond.
It is not rocket science.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

ICO Audit Report

Information Commissioner Posted on Sat, January 04, 2014 08:28:02


Information Commissioner Posted on Mon, December 16, 2013 03:18:37

Self-proclaimed FOI Campaigner Alan M Dransfield obtained another victory over the Devon County Council (DCC) and the Information Commissionioner (ICO) recently.

The Upper Tribunal has recently overturned a First Tier Tribunal “Contempt of Court ” charge which was levelled at the Exeter FOI Campaigner in May this year.

The First Tier Tribunal has been ordered to carry out a retrial because the Contempt of Court Charges were made in error.

The sixty-three year old campaigner is delighted with the Upper Tribunal decision and it had increased in confidence somewhat in the British justice system. He now awaits a hearing date for the fifth retrial on this matter.

Dransfield was thrown out of the FTT court in May this year on Contempt of Court charges, which he claims were made soley to pervert the Course of Justice. He is fighting a five year battle to obtain technical data via the FOIA 2000, on the six Private Finance Initiative schools, which he claims are unsafe and unfit for purpose.

Dransfield is also awaiting a Court of Appeal decision related to the Exeter Chiefs Rugby Ground and Bridge in relation to his five year battle with the DCC on a FOIA request for the Chiefs Bridge, which Dransfield claims is also unsafe.

Dransfield said that he was very disappointed with the DCC, who appear to be throwing thousands of pounds fighting his FOIA requests, when it would be a lot cheaper for them to provide the sought after data. He is also very sceptical about the transparency, accountability and security at the DCC & ICO.

Both cases continue.

Dransfield is NOT in contempt of court!

Information Commissioner Posted on Tue, December 03, 2013 19:06:35

Finances etc

Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, November 10, 2013 19:27:33

Contra Cabal

Information Commissioner Posted on Thu, November 07, 2013 19:14:55

What on earth is going on at the ICO?

Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, November 03, 2013 18:12:32

Email sent – 02 November 2013 19:37
Dear Mr White

For the avoidance of doubt you did not inform me that you had a made a decsion and you have still not notified me in the propper manner because there is no covering letter with the document. It is not the the date of the ICO decision, which is relevant to the FTT appeal – it is the date of the ICO covering letter.

Please provide me with a copy of the covering letter.

It beggars belief you still claim this decision was made in accordance with Section 14. I ref to para 3 of your decision notice in which you state: “The Council responded on the same Day.”

It is inconceivable that the Stockport Borough Council could have reached their VEXATIOUS decsion on the same day as they received my FOIA request. You claim that you stand by your decsion; you would say that Mr White, wouldn’t you?

There is nothing in your most recent letter which would cause me to withdraw my claim that you are conniving and colluding with the Stockport Borough Council to circumvent the fOIA 200 and in particular Sect 77.

Please provide me with a copy of the coverlLetter from the ICO address to me

With hanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield


1 November 2013

Case Reference Number FS50493287

Dear Mr Dransfield,

In response to your email of 30 October 2013 I enclose a copy of the decision notice relevant to this case, as you have suggested that the ICO had failed to provide you with a copy.

For the avoidance of doubt, I am firmly of the view that the decision was drafted in accordance with our guidance on section 14 and stand by its outcome. I realise that we may have different views on the way in which the matter has been concluded, but the fact remains that, in the first instance, only the Tribunal have the authority to vary a notice. Any alteration undertaken by the Commissioner would be invalid.

Should you wish to pursue the matter, then the appeal is only route through which the findings of the decision can be challenged.

Yours sincerely

Andrew White

It’s in the Post!

Information Commissioner Posted on Sun, October 27, 2013 16:55:58

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