Email sent – 24/08/2016 06:59
Attn Mr Paul Arnold
Customer Service Manager
Dear Sir
Further to my earlier email today in which I confirmed my allegations of wrongdoing and maladministration by the ICO and gave you 3 demonstrable points of evidence.
I now wish to add a 4th piece of evidence which supports my allegations of misfeasance and criminal negligence by the ICO.
Please see the ICO minutes below which confirms the ICO staff have been allowed to claim expense for overseas travel without receipts (para3) for the last decade.
Such action flies in the face of transparency, accountability and security and it beggars belief that millions of pounds have been spent from the public purse in the last decade and are unaccountable.
Please be mindful that a recent Upper Tribunal upheld a vexatious exemption in which I was seeking ICO expenses information.
No wonder the ICO are throwing the kitchen sink at the Dransfield Vexatious BS because the ICO have their greedy snouts in the expenses gravy trough.
It is inconceivable that the UK Government department allows their employees to travel world-wide, wine and dine etc and are not required to reconcile the expenses via receipts.
It beggars belief.
I would argue that the ICO are in serious breach of Government fiscal accountability rules.
Yours etc
Alan M Dransfield