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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Only “vexatious” where no public interest can be demonstrated

Vexatious Posted on Fri, September 05, 2014 17:57:12

“Vexatious” Requests (96)

3. Public authorities have expressed concern that section 14(1) on vexatious requests is hard to use. Index on Censorshipsupports the principle that the section should only be used as a last resort against those filing multiple FOI requests where no public interest can be demonstrated. “

ICO overturns a vexatious decision. Hmmmm!

Vexatious Posted on Fri, August 08, 2014 18:04:08

Funny accounting procedures?

Vexatious Posted on Sun, August 03, 2014 07:52:01

Email Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 6:23 AM

Dear Mr Bradshaw

The Devon County Council has recently released cost information for my
FOI cases since 2010. They claim they have spent £22,200 on legal costs and travel
expenses, but do not include man-hours for dealing with my complaints.

Firstly, I do not believe these recently-released figures and would
envisage their costs to be much higher. Secondly, I don’t accept the DCC should
have incurred a single penny costs because the information I sought from them on
the PFI schools and the Exeter Chiefs Bridge could and should have been
released without cost under the FOIA 2000.

As you are aware, both case continue – the Rugby Bridge is due for a Court
of Appeal retrial later this year and the PFI schools is still before the Upper
Tribunal; hence further cost impact on the public purse. The £20k costs could
double before the end of the year

Moreover and more importantly, these costs do not appear in the DCC audit
report records – hence they are fudging legal cost records.

I call upon my MP to write to the CEO of the DCC seeking clarification as to why
they have incurred such costs in the first place and why they continue to accrue such
costs, and please ask them why such costs are not included in their annual audit

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Yet another vexatious ruling

Vexatious Posted on Sun, August 03, 2014 07:22:24

Cabinet Office in on the act too

Vexatious Posted on Sun, August 03, 2014 07:05:29

Yet more people expressing interest

Vexatious Posted on Sun, July 20, 2014 08:16:02

Ghost documents

Vexatious Posted on Fri, June 27, 2014 19:10:51

Upper Tribunal
Dear Sirs

Please send me a copy of Judge Wikeley’s letter dated 10th July 2012 ref
GIA/3037/2011, which is NOT new evidence but I feel sure it will assist the
Court of Appeal to reach a proportionate decision at the forthcoming retrial

I say that because this is the”Court Order” from Judge Wikeley, which
clearly and explicitly orders the Public Authority to provide the 13 “Ghost
Documents” para 6, page 2..

As you are aware, these 13 Ghost Documents were never released and Judge
Wikley did NOT see the Ghost Documents before he made his Final Decision dated
28th Jan 2013.

Please consider this as an Official Request for Discovery of

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Good Call Cobber

Vexatious Posted on Wed, June 25, 2014 17:49:17

Email sent 25 June 2014 17:29

G’day Cobber

Just browsing
through the Aussie rules – na, not the
football but the FOIA – and it would
appear the Australians have been able to compile a very workmanlike FOIA, and
in particular the vexatious exemption.

I have no doubt
the UK FOIA statutory act will be changed sooner rather than later – hence I
thought I would bring this to your attention and you might be able to assist
the refurbishment at the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Good call or what

Fair Dinkum Mr

What a shame we
still don’t deport ALL criminals to Australia

Alan M

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