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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

And another vexatious decision

Vexatious Posted on Sat, September 03, 2016 07:33:02

Was Dransfield really vexatious to ask about the Dartington School now it is being pulled down?

Vexatious Posted on Sun, August 28, 2016 08:21:22

Email sent – Information Commissioner 28/08/2016 07:50

Dear Sirs

Please see the attached 5 FOIA
requests from me to the Devon County Council (DCC) which have now been ignored
for over a year. As you are aware, the DCC have imposed a lifetime email ban
against me. Hence, I am unable to do any follow ups.

I now wish to elevate all these five requests to the ICO
because I consider the DCC are in breach of the FOIA 2000 and in particular
section 77of the said act.

As you will see one of my FOIA
request is relevant to the Dartington Primary Eco school which is going to be
demolished. This makes my FOIA request most relevant to the Public Interest
Test -i.e. public purse fraud ??

For your action and files

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

(1 example reproduced below)


21st May 2015

Attn FIA Department, Devon County Council.

Dears Sir/Madam

Freedom of Information request.

Under protection of the FOIA 2000, please provide me with
the following Information.

A copy of the As Built Health and Safety Manual for the
Dartington Eco School.

Owing to the Lifetime email ban imposed against me, you will
need to make manual copies of the sought after data as opposed to sending me a
PDF copy.

This is a brand new request

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Department of Finance – vexatious ruling

Vexatious Posted on Sun, August 28, 2016 07:17:31

And another “vexatious” decision

Vexatious Posted on Sun, August 28, 2016 06:50:04

Ben Bradshaw for Leader? Maybe not.

Vexatious Posted on Sun, July 31, 2016 07:25:00

From: alan dransfield []

Sent: 27 July 2016 06:06
Cc: Louise Mottershead;

Dear Mr

I remind you about this attached Guardian article which make reference to my
Vexatious case history. It really does leave a bad taste in my mouth because
you are well aware that my original FOIA case was not vexatious, as proved by
the publication of the As Built Health and Safety file which, incidentally, has
been removed from the Devon County Council website.

Guardian have the audacity to claim I am vexatious, without checking the

your information,action and files

in disgust

M Dransfield

Guardian misinformation

Vexatious Posted on Sun, July 31, 2016 07:11:45

Email sent – : 27 July 2016 06:41


Dear Sirs

I wish to make a formal
complaint against the following Guardian article and in particular against the
author of the attached article Mr Tim Turner.

Mr Turner failed to investigate
the subject title before he published his article because there is consistent
tangible evidence that my original FOIA request was not vexatious.

I am sure the Guardian are conscious of the fact that a FOIA
request cannot be refused under section 14/1 vexatious exemption if:

1.There is serious purpose behind the request.

2.The request is made in the Public Interest

3.The request is the first

Had Mr Turner checked the facts of this case, he
wouldn’t have reached his final conclusion, i.e Dransfield FOIA was vexatious.

It would appear to me your Mr
Turner has a very cozy relationship with the ICO, to the extent he has ICO
blood running through his veins.

May I suggest you withdraw your
article under the title of Dransfield is NOT Vexatious and print the facts that
the ICO are complicit with HM Judges and Ministry of Justice along with a public apology for damaging my good name.

UK Journalists have a duty of care to check their
facts prior to publication and it is consistently apparent your Mr Turner is
ignorant of the FOIA 2000 and in particular section 14/1 of the said act.

Please do not hesitate to
contact me should you need further information/clarification. I will gladly give
the Guardian an exclusive interview which will reveal the facts, i.e Ministry
of Justice complicit with the ICO/HM Judges and rogue public authorities to
pervert the Course of Justice.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

UK’s Leading Court Authority on Vexatious Requests

Information Commission don’t even bother to turn up to hearings

Vexatious Posted on Sun, July 31, 2016 07:07:03

Email sent – 28/07/2016 07:05

Information Commissioner

Attn Mr Richard Bailey

Dear Sir

Under protection of the FOIA 2000, please advise me of:

1. Have the ICO appealed against the FTT decision of the
subject title.

2. If not why not.

May I take this opportunity in stating my deep
disappointment that the ICO have decided to “body swerve” the
Dransfield UT Case today in London ref GIA/1496/2016. What sort of
message does this send to the general public when the ICO fail to turn up for
an UT hearing. This reflects a cozy relationship between the ICO and HM
Courts/Judges. The vexatious decision for today’s Hearing has already been

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield

Child Sex Abuse Inquiry

Vexatious Posted on Sun, July 31, 2016 07:03:04

Email sent – Fri 29/07/2016 06:24

Lady Justice Goddard

Child Sex Abuse Inquiry

Dear Madam

As you are aware, we have
exchanged correspondence several times before about the subject title.

I now hold irrefutable evidence
that the ICO are conniving and colluding with HM Judges and rogue public authorities to pervert the course of justice. In particular, they are using the
GIA/3037/2011 Dransfield v ICO as a tool to prevent the freedom of information
and obstructing the flow of information.

This action has been upheld by the Court of Appeal and
Supreme Court and will compromise your Child Sex Inquiry.

I will gladly meet with your inquiry team to explain this
matter in detail. In a nutshell, the Ministry of Justice are perverting the
course of Justice ref the unlawful use of section 14/1 vexatious exemption.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

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