Information Commissioner’s Office
Under protection of the FOIA please provide me with the Internal and External Audits for the ICO compliance to the ISO 27001 for the last 2 years. As you are aware, the ICO have advised me that ALL my FOIA requests will be refused under a blanket Vexatious without investigation. I must advise you and caution the ICO from using a blanket vexatious refusal under section 52(2)(c) and it will be considered by me as fraud and further egregious conduct by senior officials of the ICO and I will consider it contempt of court by Ms Elizabeth Denham. As you are aware, I have a forthcoming UT Hearing (TBC)and in the event the ICO continue to breach section 77 of the said act, I will add this specific case to my UT Bundle.
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield