Email sent – Sat 14/01/2017 20:17

UK Treasury

Dear Sirs

Kennedy v UK Government FOIA. Case ref (2011) EWCA 367

Under protection of the FOIA 2000 please provide me with the
following information ref the subject title;

1. The cost to the public purse to date.

2. Copies of the invoices from KBW.

3. Copies of emails, meeting agendas between the
Treasury and any 3rd party to discuss this case. Plus copies of Directives from
Government ministers.

4. Copies of invoices to date for the preparation
works for the ECoHR . For clarity, I understand the Kennedy Case is
ongoing at the ECoHR . Hence, you are at liberty to withhold this
information but I consider the case up to the Supreme Court has run
its natural course; therefore it open for Publication via the FOIA 2000.

5. All costs to include accommodation, food etc.

Would you also please consider
the same FOIA requests for the Magyar Helsinki Bizottsag Case ref

All information please is requested to be in PDF.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

FOIA Campaigner -Social Watchdog.