Email sent – Thu 12/05/2016 05:54
Dear Mr Bradshaw
I have had more time to check the As Built Health and Safety
File (ABHSF) for the St Luke’s School and I can now say with confidence that
this document does not meet the Legal Requirement for Project/Contract
Documentation under Construction Design Management Regulations.
There is a legal requirement for the Principle Contractor
and Client to compile an As Built Health and Safety File a.k.a. Operation
Maintenance Manual. It is apparent the Devon County Council (Client) have failed their duty of
care ref PFI school Contract records
There are a large number of omissions from the St
Luke ABHSF, which hold life threatening ramifications for the end user.
They are:
1. Mechanical and Electrical facets have NOT been included.
2. There are no Specific Specifications for any facets of the
3. There is no Completion Certificate.
4. There is no reference to any procedural testing ,i.e.
Electrical Testing, Building Air Test, Concrete Tests, Steel Mill Test, Lightning
Protection, Legionaire’s Testing etc .
It beggars belief the electrical and mechanical facets have
been ignored.
In other words the ABHSF is a bag of old rubbish, which as been cobbled together back in 2005/06 with the
sole intent to bluff the ABHSF mandate.
In light of the breaking news
from Scotland where 40-50 PFI schools have been closed down owing to structural
defects, it’s hardly surprising if the mandatory records have been abused to the
same degree as the Exeter PFI schools.
I suspect the other 5 Exeter PFI schools are in the same dangerous state.
I call upon my MP to seek a public inquiry into the 6 PFI schools in Exeter owing to the outrageous records
maintained by the Client,i e the Devon County Council.
It is therefore hardly surprising the DCC have spent
thousands of pounds fighting Dransfield Vexatious FOIA Cases when their own
records are so shameful.
For your information, action and files.
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
Are you sure you don’t want to discuss this matter at your
Friday night surgery?