From: alan dransfield
Sent: 26 November 2015 07:12
To: Richard Bailey
Subject: FOIA Request ref your two Mr Smith the Deputy IC.

Dear Mr Bailey

Polite follow up please to my FOIA request for all the
available information on the termination of employment of Graham Frank Smith and David Smith,
the two deputy Information Commissioners

If they resigned, please provide me with a copy of their
resignation letter. If they were terminated, please provide me with copies of
their termination letters, reasons etc. Please provide me with copies of all
internal memos, emails etc related to the departure of the two Smith’s from the

Could it be the Smiths are leaving a sinking ship?

This matter is in the public interest so please do not
refuse my request under the old Vexatious chestnut.

You have not yet offered me a reasonable explanation how I
am supposed to submit a review request before the ICO issues an official
Decision Notice.

With thanks

Your etc

Alan M Dransfield