From: Alan Dransfield

To: Ben Bradshaw

Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2015 8:06

Subject: Re: FOI request – Alan Dransfield
– ICM3617

Dear Mr Bradshaw
Please see the following email from Norfolk County Council which is
somewhat disconcerting because Devon CC pays Norfolk CC several million pounds
each year via Norfolk Property Service (NPS) for public works maintenance works in Devon, e.g., schools and hospitals.

Can you please write to Devon County Council and establish how much the DCC
paid the Norfolk CC for public works last year (tax year)?

It is beyond my comprehension why the DCC would outsource any work whatsoever to another Borough/County Council. No point in me asking any such questions, as they would surely refuse
under section 14(1) vexatious grounds.

I would envisage that the DCC pay the Norfolk CC several million pounds each year for public works maintenance works. Quite frankly Mr Bradshaw, this
appears to be a form of money laundering in my opinion.

This might be one of the reasons why the DCC are spending thousands of
pounds of taxpayers money fighting my FOIA Case which, as you are aware, is
currently awaiting the ” decision hand down” from the Court of Appeal.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 3:02 PM, Information Management wrote:

Dear Mr Dransfield

Freedom of Information Request – ICM3617

I refer to your request for information received by Norfolk County Council on
09 February 2015 and confirm that the search for information has been

A copy of your original request appears at the foot of this email.

Your request was processed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act
2000 and we are pleased to supply you with the following

A search of our financial system reveals that Norfolk County Council did
not submit any invoices to Devon County Council during the last (2013/14)
financial year.