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Alan Dransfield's Blog

Freedom of Information and Health and Safety

This blog is aimed at shaming those who ignore health and safety and those who abuse the Freedom of Information Act out of laziness, corruption or to cover up incompetence.

Yet more dangerous wind turbine collapses

Windfarms Posted on Mon, December 22, 2014 18:12:57

Gas Safety at the Exeter Uni Climbing Centre

College Climbing Centre Posted on Mon, December 22, 2014 18:01:55

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Please see the following emails to the oversight authorities ref the subject title.
As you can see from the photograph, the gas installation is a serious non-compliance to Gas Safety Standards.

The emergency shutdown valve (ESDV) is located under this steel housing which renders the safety valve inaccessible .

I understand you are awaiting a response from the Health and Safety Executive and the Devon County Council on this matter.

Shall we wait for body bags before you take public safety seriously?

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield

Merry Christmas

Now, wind turbine welding failures

Windfarms Posted on Mon, December 22, 2014 17:58:28

Email sent – 21 December 2014 22:08

Dear Mr Bradshaw

Yet another wind turbine failure, not bolt failure this time but welding failures.
It’s only a matter of time before body bags are required relating to wind turbine failures. Once again, I call upon my MP to request a public inquiry into wind turbine safety

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield