Yet more dangerous wind turbine collapses
Windfarms Posted on Mon, December 22, 2014 18:12:57- Comments(0)
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Gas Safety at the Exeter Uni Climbing Centre
College Climbing Centre Posted on Mon, December 22, 2014 18:01:55Dear Mr Bradshaw
Please see the following emails to the oversight authorities ref the subject title.
As you can see from the photograph, the gas installation is a serious non-compliance to Gas Safety Standards.
The emergency shutdown valve (ESDV) is located under this steel housing which renders the safety valve inaccessible .
I understand you are awaiting a response from the Health and Safety Executive and the Devon County Council on this matter.
Shall we wait for body bags before you take public safety seriously?
With thanks
Alan M Dransfield
Merry Christmas
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Now, wind turbine welding failures
Windfarms Posted on Mon, December 22, 2014 17:58:28Email sent – 21 December 2014 22:08
Dear Mr Bradshaw
Yet another wind turbine failure, not bolt failure this time but welding failures.
It’s only a matter of time before body bags are required relating to wind turbine failures. Once again, I call upon my MP to request a public inquiry into wind turbine safety
With thanks
Alan M Dransfield
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