Email sent 21 August 2014 08:31
Audit Commission
1st Floor, Fry Building
2 Marsham Street
London, SW1P 4DF
Dear Sir
I wish to report internal and external audit fraud at the Devon County Council (DCC).
In particular, the DCC have not included the public purse costs for the DCC legal fees in their legal pursuit of FOIA cases and in particular two FOIA cases Dransfield v ICO and DCC which have been subject to large costs for several years. Whether or not the DCC have included such costs for previous years I know not, but I will be going through their Fiscal Audit Reports since 2009.
My allegations are levelled at the latest audit report of period 2013/14 which I claim have been subject to serious fraud and deception, with the full knowledge of the CEO and Board of Governors.
I believe the DCC internal and external auditors are deliberately hiding these costs as part of a wider conspiracy by the DCC to pervert the course of justice.
For your information, action and files
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield