Monday, April 07, 2014 6:08 AM
Attn Gemma Garvey
Information Governance manager at the ICO
Dear Madam
Further to your ongoing investigation ref my complaints of fraud and maladministration by ICO Officials, please see the following extract from your Mr Steven Dickinson
Can you please explain the significance of theIRQ decisions as opposed to the normal ICO FS reference.
“The ICO allocates case references according to what the specific case is about. The case prefix ‘IRQ’ denotes that the case is dealing with an Information Request to the ICO (eg an FOI request, a request for environmental information under the EIR, or a subject access request under the DPA). The response to an ‘IRQ’ case is not a ‘decision’, it is simply the ICO’s response to the FOI request it has received.”
He (Mr Dickinson) now claims that his recent VEXATIOUS decisions on any IRQ prefix are NOT decisions.
I am somewhat confused but I suspect this is part of the wider conspiracy by…..senior ICO Managers to diss and mis-inform FOIA requesters.
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield