Ministerial Correspondence Unit
Department for Business, Innovation & Skills
1 Victoria Street

Attn Rt Hon Vince Cable

Dear Mr Cable

I write to you in your official capacity of Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills because I understand your remit covers the Met Office. In the event your office does not included the Met Office, please pass this message to the appropriate oversight authority.

There is prima facia evidence in the public domain that the Met Office HQ in Exeter is unsafe and unfit for purpose because it has not been provisioned with adequate Lightning Protection System or Lightning Risk Assessments.

This is most disconcerting and could result in serious injury or death to staff & visitors and cause untold financial damage to public assets i.e., building and communication IT equipment etc.

There is also evidence in the public domain that the Met Office FOIA Team are currently in contempt of Court via their failure to follow an ICO Judgement and evidence that they are conspiring to wilfully circumvent the FOIA by falsely claiming National Security clauses. However, these are secondary issues; my main concern is for public safety which, in my view, has been wilfully compromised.

I have brought such matters to the attention of the Met Office CEO Mr John Hirst and I am awaiting a response from him at this juncture.

However, I consider the matter at the Met Office to be SO SERIOUS, I call upon you for a Face to Face Meeting to discuss this matter please.May I suggest early next week.

This letter is not intended to be scurrilous or hectoring; it is written in good faith to avert a catastrophe.

At this juncture, the Met Office public Liability insurance could be revoked in the event the Met Office HQ Building takes a direct hi by lightning, God-forbid!

I look forward to your response.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield